Title: Hob-Nobbling To The Dancefloor Author: marvystoop Rating: PG Fandom: Sherlock Holmes. Characters: Holmes/Watson Disclaimer: Don't own. Don't sue. Summary: From this prompt. Watson's diary, in the style of Georgia Nicholson. Part 1.
Title: Drop Dead Gorgeous Author: marvystoop Rating: PG-13 Characters: Blaine/Kurt Spoilers: None A/N Beta'd by mothergoddamn so blame her. Troll her. Summary: It's been a week since Kurt Hummel died and Blaine is having a hard time dealing with his grief and thoughts of what might have been. Luckily, he may have been granted another chance. Zombie Fic. ( Read more... )
Title: Hob-Nobbling To The Dancefloor Author: marvystoop Rating: PG Fandom: Sherlock Holmes. Characters: Holmes/Watson Disclaimer: Don't own. Don't sue. Summary: From this prompt. Watson's diary, in the style of Georgia Nicholson.