lol mmmph. =/ EVIL RAIN! i hate flooding. [[not that anyone likes it...]] where i lived when i was little, everytime it rained, like...half of my bedroom would get preeeeeettttyyyy moist and it would smell like yucky wet carpet and it was just ew. of course, thats nothing compared to your flood story. =/
well im glad the car didnt burst into flames and eat you! thats always a plus! i hope you figure out whats wrong with it.
ol mmmph. =/ EVIL RAIN! i hate flooding. [[not that anyone likes it...]]
In reply to what the person above has written I would have to disagree. While some may find that they have a distate for rain, I would assume that most people find rain to be a beneficial force of nature. Firstly, farmers rely on rain for the majority of their crop irrigation. And, considering the south is relient upon cash cropping for the majority of it's income; I would say that the South loves rain. And finally, I like rain. I find it's a peaceful ambient force that allows me to drift into quite an amiable state of unconsciousness. However, MA, I can relate to your plight and sympathize. I hope the sewermen have relieved your conduits for good.
I can't believe all the randomness you encounter, MJ. We need to hang out soon. I think people can like/dislike rain, whichever they please. Hmm. That is all.
Comments 6
well im glad the car didnt burst into flames and eat you! thats always a plus! i hope you figure out whats wrong with it.
In reply to what the person above has written I would have to disagree. While some may find that they have a distate for rain, I would assume that most people find rain to be a beneficial force of nature. Firstly, farmers rely on rain for the majority of their crop irrigation. And, considering the south is relient upon cash cropping for the majority of it's income; I would say that the South loves rain. And finally, I like rain. I find it's a peaceful ambient force that allows me to drift into quite an amiable state of unconsciousness. However, MA, I can relate to your plight and sympathize. I hope the sewermen have relieved your conduits for good.
That's all.
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