My family Ryder, based off a customised Sara Ryder head 8; Scott used identical settings sans the scar and tatt. I was surprised when Papa Ryder turned out to be more like Joe Morton than John Malkovich
I was going to name her Joan (maybe my next one?), but I wanted to experience the novelty of a character being called by her first name. It's a bad clip because I didn't record at the right moment, but I think it's a halfway decent shot of her. No spoilers that you haven't already seen from the first waking up trailer. I need to get a still shot.
Edit: Dagnabit, it's still too dark. Her hair isn't that dark in different lighting and I went for a dark green for her eyes.
No, I don't think she looks noticeably younger. [Twin spoiler? Definitely Dad spoiler.]Scott hasn't woken up yet, so I haven't seen him in action. But on the CC screen he looked about the same age to me. I didn't get a shot of Alec before he kicked the bucket, but he looked like an Asian version of Edward James Olmos.
Short Non spoilery EA Access reviewrose_in_shadowMarch 18 2017, 02:20:18 UTC
I'm close to the end of my trial, I think. I'll probably end up finishing it tomorrow.
But, guys, my grumpiness with the CC has mostly vanished: it's like coming home to Mass Effect 1. It feels so similar. I won't say more for spoiling, but it feels like coming home.
Multiplayer is a lot harder than ME3's; I think it's mostly due to smarter AIs and the vertical element introduced to the playing field. I died quite a bit before I leveled up to 4 and even then have only managed to extract maybe twice out of six games? But its fun once you remember that everyone's new and not very good at it yet. If you've been avoiding spoilers of all kinds, including enemies, then I'd avoid the MP aspect. Due to the enemy variants you can play against, I've seen a lot of things that the SP campaign will run into that I haven't yet.
RE: Short Non spoilery EA Access reviewalhazredMarch 18 2017, 07:01:55 UTC
I think one of the more subtle changes that is that character movement is a little more realistic; you have more weight to your character and you need to be a little more aware of your surroundings to run away when shit goes south.
RE: Short Non spoilery EA Access reviewrose_in_shadowMarch 18 2017, 11:05:11 UTC
Yes, it feels like that exactly.
Especially in MP. In ME3, you could more or less stay in one position for the whole game if you wanted. There's none of that in MEA. Staying longer than it takes to charge the shield means being fished out of cover immediately.
Comments 43
so is this 10 hrs a cap on all activity or just the single player campaign?
( Family Ryder )
We made it.
- Erin (@crowskin) March 17, 2017
Also, we need pictures of PapaRyder
Edit: Dagnabit, it's still too dark. Her hair isn't that dark in different lighting and I went for a dark green for her eyes.
No, I don't think she looks noticeably younger. [Twin spoiler? Definitely Dad spoiler.]Scott hasn't woken up yet, so I haven't seen him in action. But on the CC screen he looked about the same age to me. I didn't get a shot of Alec before he kicked the bucket, but he looked like an Asian version of Edward James Olmos.
( ... )
But, guys, my grumpiness with the CC has mostly vanished: it's like coming home to Mass Effect 1. It feels so similar. I won't say more for spoiling, but it feels like coming home.
Multiplayer is a lot harder than ME3's; I think it's mostly due to smarter AIs and the vertical element introduced to the playing field. I died quite a bit before I leveled up to 4 and even then have only managed to extract maybe twice out of six games? But its fun once you remember that everyone's new and not very good at it yet. If you've been avoiding spoilers of all kinds, including enemies, then I'd avoid the MP aspect. Due to the enemy variants you can play against, I've seen a lot of things that the SP campaign will run into that I haven't yet.
Especially in MP. In ME3, you could more or less stay in one position for the whole game if you wanted. There's none of that in MEA. Staying longer than it takes to charge the shield means being fished out of cover immediately.
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