So I'm semi-hosting this roadie from Hawaii. He is here visiting the University and his host is a douchebag and left him here. I'm trying my best to entertain him. His name is Jeremy Nishino and he's pretty cool. We've been trying hard to pursuade him that Evansville is the best school and that the honors program is really cool
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I can't get this stupid computer program to work so that I can finish my take home test. I got all my easy homework done and now have to hurry up and finish my Linear Algebra and go to sleep because I have to work tomorrow
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Today I just took one of the most worrisome tests that I've ever taken. It seemed to go pretty well. Too bad there is a take home part. I hate those things, don't you, they are so much harder than normal tests. Anyways it was a Differential Equations test. Right now my two worst subjects are Diff EQ and Linear Algebra. I hate that I'm a math
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So lots of stuff has been happening. I injured Kendra. She told me to type that, I would have just assumed leave that out, as it makes me look like a girlfriend abuser. However she is the one initiating Battered Boyfriend Syndrome. She is also proofing my sentences
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Kendra, Jackie, Tyler, and I just got finished with a pillow fight. I have like 40 pages to read for Cog Sci, I have to study for Sociology, and I need to read my Psyche for this weekend, but other than that things are really fun
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So last weekend was just awesomely amazing in every way. The first thing we did was watch Snatch, Shoalin Soccer, and Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels. We also went on Saturday to see a football game, which was OK. I got to know my friend Veatch alot better. He's a Physics and French major, to let you guys know how odd he is. He's really
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SO, I hate my room mate. We haven't talked to each other for more than a week, and I don't plan on spoiling the tension. Nobody in the dorm has had an extended conversion with him. Some people don't even know who he is. My room smells and I really can't stand to be in there
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I am now a proud new member of the Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity. We are a bit smaller fraternity. We had ten members and are now up to fifteen. The bigger Frats got 25 new members. My friends down the hall joined one of those two. I still have two papers and 200 pages to read this week. Life here is so crazy right now. I feel that if I can get
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