I miss Russian sweets!!! I went to the store last weekend and bought a lot, but I am out of it again... I miss it so much, LOVE it! RUSSIAN CANDY THE BEST!!!
I woke up at 7:15 am to go to work at 8am... Hate getting up so yearly, oh well, I make money- it is a good reason. My mom called me, my grandma sent me a letter with a card...so sweet)))
Today I have a surprise from my friend and tomorrow we are going out with all my friends!
New Year is coming up.... I am going to cook some Russian salads...yummy Since Nov 25- everybody decorate their Christmas Trees and houses... It is so beautiful outside -)))
I was studying for my exam for Accounting and ideas pop up in my head.
Ideal man:
-hightly competetive -but stronger than me -dominate in relationships -smarter -should stay on the top of things -supportive -understanding -do not track every step, and keep me free
I miss mu journal, the place, where I can write all my thoutghs and do not think about how it sounds. Couple days ago I read my old journal and realised that I still need one to leave a mark to remeber later. I am at work right now, but I will come back later. =)) It is 2pm here in US.