NEW JOURNAL! mixtape__ It's friends only on that name, so PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE make sure you comment on that journal saying you want to be added, or you wont be. <3333
luvnrooney: i love him luvnrooney: with my whole heart and soul luvnrooney: and even if he doesnt even remember me, i dont care luvnrooney: i'll always remember him
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I wonder why I find it so difficult to break up with someone. I have to think about what I'm going to say, how I'm going to say it, and when I'm going to say it. And I don't ever want them to hate me for it. Even though they will. So I shouldn't worry about that.They always end up hating me anyways. If you couldn't guess, I broke up with Ross. I
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Wow I can't wait for Thanksgiving and Christmas. There's something about being out of school and having holiday's that is so wonderful. I can't wait to be able to fall asleep and then not wake up until later. Then I can just do whatever I wish, with whoever I want. Oh wow. I'm rambling. Onto more important things, like...Ross. No I don't want to
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I've been home for like two hours or so (or more) and I'm still wearing my scarf. I love winter so much. It has so many good things in it. Christmas, snow, that tea stuff called chy or something, yum. Hot chocolate. Scarves. Boys. Love. Everything. I'm in a sappy mood. I love winter.
Wow, this is going to rock tonight. Paintballing on a farm, and were all shooting at one guy. And there's a large group of hot boys going. :) Oh man. I can't wait.
[Edit] I got introuble for laughing during a code red thing today. Stupid teachers. Eat socks and die. [/Edit]