xavier felix. 9 lb 8. BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG BABY!!!! born at around 1:15pm on 26th of july 2008. april is the most amazing beautiful giving loving tough as nails woman to go through what she went through to have our beautiful son. i owe so much to that amazing woman. no man woman or child in my eyes is as strong and as determined as my girl.....ever. i
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Comments 8
*So much love to all three of you...!*
Congratulations!!! And oh my god that is huge. You must be soooo proud! *cyber hugs*
Sending so much healing energy to you all
Kris, Troy and Taj
.:*Happy Pixie Wiggle Dance!!*:.
awwwww... welcome to the world lil Xavier!*:.
Well done April! you are an amazing woman! just as your beautiful man put it... (made me a bit teary reading all the love there actually! paul!)
congratulations you guys!
might give you a call when Ant gets home... but till then take care lovelies*:. allll my love and best wishes to the new little family*:.
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