How awesome is this weather! Two nights ago Nani slept in just a nappy in front of the fan Last night we snuggled up together under blankets *So* nice. She and I cuddled up together under blankets and talked and watched the rain. Azrael came in and burrowed under the blankets with us and we all snuggled together
its been one year today since the lovely Lisa Lamb started to slip away from us so raise your glasses high tonight to the beautiful dancing light she was and will forever be
I have just discovered iron on transfers AND THEY ROCK MY WORLD!! For under $6 I have made Nani a purple Hairy Maclary shirt for Christmas :D And I found Sooty and Sweep ones!! So many! I want an instant iron so I can run up to people and iron cartoons on their clothes :)
I love Elke So much So so much This morning I was having dizzy spells from crazy stressful brain and now I am giggling to King of Happy Snails in a funky warm sunshine llama hat
Also I have decided I need a hat Liliana has THE most adorable new hat. It transforms her into a heart melting little bundle of cuteness. And its so soft! And Elke always has amazing fuzzy headwear that makes me think of sunshiney llamas :)