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Comments 20

monst3r November 3 2006, 06:53:25 UTC
i like your entries, often id like to comment but fail to motivate myself or think of anything sufficiently clever ( ... )


mattcanning November 3 2006, 10:39:15 UTC
I should say I kind of stole some of your material for this post. Sorry, I should have pointed that out. I don't mean to take credit for ideas that aren't mine or were verbalized by me first. I think it's great that you not only received a certain education but actually got something out of it which seems to be with you to stay. I'm not sure if it was through the education itself you got the knowledge or through another avenue, but either way you're well learned in a subject that some of the same students wouldn't be, which is always good to see. I also know how you feel about not having the time to reply to some of the finer points posted on some of the blog entries which pop up, including the sex posts. I really hope to get on top of that, literally and in writing lol ( ... )


monst3r November 3 2006, 15:47:37 UTC
katie the...sexpert.

and here i was thinkin we were just naturally on the same page.


mattcanning November 4 2006, 01:22:38 UTC
I agree with that! You're good at reading people. You know how some people have a very accurate self image and know themselves very well, yet others don't know themselves as well or at all for that matter? If you have any friends who are the second type, you probably know them better than they know themselves; who can predict their behaviour and track their trends and patterns better than they can or at least better than they would like to admit.

The Sunday Night Sex ShowKatie, have you considered being the new host for the Sunday Night Sex Show? As a 14 year old I always found this show to be somewhat perplexing. My understanding at the time was that no woman enjoyed sex and in particular, no older woman would even have it cross her mind (this is what you get from learning about women and sex from "mom" *). Meanwhile Sue Johanson would describe in great detail how she would load up her ass with all kinds of odd shaped items of confectionery (lumpy chocolate covered raisin type affairs), stuffed about two feet deep, all the way ( ... )


cassievalentine November 3 2006, 08:02:17 UTC
Linda. . . I know this Linda, right? . . . Is Linda "in a family way"?


mattcanning November 3 2006, 10:28:37 UTC
Linda as in Kelly (not Chartier).


cassievalentine November 3 2006, 17:58:17 UTC
That much I got, thanks.


mattcanning November 3 2006, 20:02:57 UTC
Oh - I thought you were asking if this Linda was related to me. But yes, you know that I'm talking about our Linda, and yes, in a family way, among other things. Although I can also definitely say you've been persevering very well too lately, everything considered. If a person can keep on going when most people would have quit long before, they are a winner in my book. And winners are really the only kind of people I want in my life.


tjernobyl November 3 2006, 13:24:59 UTC
I'm surprised so many of the pictures appear to be wearing fairly standard costumes instead of 'sexy' costumes.


mattcanning November 3 2006, 20:41:42 UTC
Kevin, you should have been there!! If I was allowed to take pictures I would have. There were all types of sexy costumes. A couple of girls were dressed up in towels, with hairnets on and a soap on a rope tied to their wrists. Despite being more covered up than some of the other girls, they still seemed more naked if that makes any sense. Definitely sexy. Of course there was the usual entourage of lightly dressed nurses and witches and everything in between.

Really, the entire female populace at Armani's was just a feast for the eyes. I was a walking hard-on from the moment I walked in until the moment I left. *licks lips*


tjernobyl November 9 2006, 00:02:36 UTC
You should have taken the opportunity to sexually penetrate several of them!!!


Speaking of Armanis... tjernobyl November 9 2006, 00:33:27 UTC
I do a lot of admin and management work for tbshows.com, which is a free local concert listing service. Right now, we're listing near 100% of events at The Apollo, Kilroys, and The Outpost, with a good percentage of Jacks, The Office, TBCA and the rest. We'd like to get to the point where every event at which someone is making live music is listed; I never again want to hear of someone missing a show because they didn't know about it.

We depend on promoters and venue managers to tell us about what's going on. We've got a form on our site through which one can submit an event, and it typically goes live in under an hour. But we need that info if we're to list it, and we so seldom hear about what's going on at Armanis. I know Lisa Lashes is coming through; we'd like to help tell people about that.


yardlong November 4 2006, 00:44:15 UTC
I especially like that picture of you and the dog. As usual, I agree with most of your ideas, and know what you mean by efficiency. The thing is, is that it is not common in the workforce. It's hard for an efficient and competent person to go along with the way things are supposed to go, when that person is the odd man out. My husband does it successfully, though. It irritates some people, but fortunately not the ones that count.

Education has its place, but I know very successful people who capitalized on their natural talents instead. I have to say I get a thrill out of seeing that, and far less than a thrill when I see educated incompetents serving the public poorly and making big bucks doing it.


mattcanning November 4 2006, 01:49:41 UTC
It irritates some people..." - yes, the jealous type of people. I hate the kind of people who just have to rain on your parade, especially if you are a nice person to them!

This is me in my life: path of least resistance. I don't ever want to work HARD, I want to always work SMART doing what comes easily to me. How does being challenged in and of itself help you to reach a desired end? I am not going to shy away from a challenge, but I will also not face one unless I absolutely must do so to achieve my goals. Why trim your lawn with a pair of tweezers?

I find that people often pursue what they can't get. I have NO idea why people do this. The last thing I want is something I can't get. I want an easy life where everything I do comes seamlessly. As if the real world isn't challenging enough as it is without setting unreasonable goals like that for yourself.


yardlong November 4 2006, 02:19:31 UTC
I totally agree. You must indeed be a kindred spirit. If a challenge is in my face, I'll certainly deal with it, but it's not anything I would seek out. I don't desire that kind of excitement, but know people who do. Besides that, I am very happy with what I have. Of course I want much more, but I don't get bored with the things I already have that make me happy. I appreciate them.

And yeah, jealous people are a pain. I find some of them are so totally that way by nature, that they can be jealous of people who seem to be in a worse position than they are! It's the spirit of competition, gone as wrong as it can go.


kelly_chartier November 4 2006, 02:04:27 UTC
I always find it funny when a girl says she doesn't have sex or something because "I'm not like that." Not like what? Not a human being? Oh - they mean not one to risk avoiding a BS social norm in fear of getting judged by the conservative nutjobs who created such norms to begin with.

Do you suppose they may be lesbians or pretending to be lesbians? I've heard from Dino (at one point) that he's heard a lot of women say that they are lesbians either to gain attention or to avoid attention. Otherwise, perhaps some women would rather go out to dance than to go out for a one night stand.


mattcanning November 4 2006, 02:27:45 UTC
Yes, there are most definitely women who simply have no one interest in one night stands. Some would prefer to wait for love, and some just aren't interested at all. Basically the main point I wish to make is that women face different social pressures than men do when in fact we are more alike than different when it comes to issues of sex.

As for Dino...LOL...what is up with that guy? Not sure about his point on lesbians, he was a nice guy and I am a fan of his, but he is the kind of guy who would try to make me feel inadequate if I wasn't getting as many girls as he was. Not all of us take pride in that kind of locker room talk though. That is the type of social construct some men fall into. The macho bad boy bullshit. I see these primates starting fights at the bar all the time. I won't start on another rant...but I definitely could here lol.


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