Mar 16, 2010 23:14
Drink some Guinness and have some corned beef and cabbage. I'll be at the pub tomorrow evening...
Mar 11, 2010 19:49
.... perhaps Paul McGann for "Mansquito 2: Mansquitoer?" lol.
Feb 20, 2010 19:54
Not so great. It's just a trailer, I don't think it's a bad sign of things to come or anything, but I really don't like it.
Feb 15, 2010 17:45
I know it seems like something I should have been into a long time ago (a loooonnnnnggggg time ago), I'm just now getting into Blakes 7. I know, something like 30 years too late. Still, better late than never, right? Anything else come out lately about that remounting possibility they were discussing some years ago?
Jan 09, 2010 15:07
Anything but write actual posts here, apparently. ;)
Nov 17, 2009 02:13
The closest thing to NA Seventh Doc we've had in all of Tennant's portrayal, and then he goes and crosses the line Sly never did....
Nov 17, 2009 01:23
So it looks like the last two I'll be seeing directly from auntie herself. ;)