Catch up for extra credit:
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1.2 ] [
1.3 ] [
1.4 ]
Warnings? Bah.
Streakers, vomit, and penguins. There's your bloody warnings. :D
Last time on the Muscles legacy...
GlaDos: Bye, kids! Be sure to make [INSERT HOMETOWN HERE] proud!
Sens and Yuuko left the newborn Derringer and Magnum in the care of a possibly homocidal robot so they could nip off to college, but what else is new?
Ugly YAification is new, for one thing. ._. Although I suppose I have seen worse.
Still. One moment, please.
All better--on the surface, at least. Meet YASens/Yuuko, the physics major and the actress.
I moved them into a dormified version of the colourful AL townhomes, but soon understood exactly why nobody had dormified them before. Going to use ovens in other rooms, dormies traipsing all over without invitation, no room for was a madhouse, I tell you, a MADHOOOOUSE.
So don't get too attached, yeah?
Sens: Term papers are srs bsns.
Awkward Cow: *agrees emphatically*
Yuuko's pad had some 'issues' after decorating, as you can see.
Apparently I downloaded some faerie lights that emit "special effects". ._. I'll just fix that--
Yuuko: Don't you dare! They're pretty!
I cull the rampant fire hazard, and these two hop in the sack to celebrate. Surprise, surprise.
Yuuko: It's okay. You put me on birth control after the last time, remember?
The sole purpose of this picture is to express my extreme fondness of their boots.
Those boots are epic. I don't have boots like that. You probably don't either, and if you do, you should wear them more often, okay?
But yeah. Woohoo. Right.
*insert porno music here*
I told you!Yuuko: Oh, Sens, I know we've made out several times and had sex on more than one occasion, but I want to have my first kiss with you right here, right now!
Huh. I bet she still considers herself a virgin, too. ._.
"You don't lose it until you make love upside down in the ball pit at McDonalds!"
I'm just waiting for her to meet Sens for the first time now.
This is exactly what I do after a good toss. It's uncanny.
...oh, wait, he's just playing with his ants.
Sens: Hahaha! Neenerneenerneener!
Needless to say, I left him alone and followed Yuuko around for awhile. ._.
I came back and found:
Sens: agh physics is tough but DAMN, I've got a sexy reflection.
I sincerely hope he's not doodling pictures of himself in the margins.
Meanwhile, Yu's having a good old-fashioned game of catch with a fellow dormie.
Dormie Bloke: Hey, Yuuko...can I ask you a personal question?
Yuuko: Er...yeah, alright.
Dormie Bloke: Have you let the light of the Lord our Father into your heart today?
Yuuko: Uhm...I meant to, but I've been saddled with assignments lately, and--
Dormie Bloke: Well, I'm a Jehovah's Witness, and I'd like to tell you a little bit about us. Take this free copy of The Watchtower.
Fifteen minutes later...
Yuuko/Dormie Bloke: Praise be to God!
Sens:, I heard you've become a Jehovah's Witness. Um...that's totally okay with me, and all, but--
Yuuko: I was acting to get that pesky dormie off my back, you dope. That's what we drama majors do, you know.
(I had a glitch for a couple of days where every last clothing texture in the game was low-res. It was infuriating to restart my game with four gigs of CC time after time just to check if I fixed it. D: I'd rant more, but it's all better now, so there's really no point.)
Sens: Day-um, girl. A+.
Yuuko: Cheers.
Dormie with babies (?) on her dress: Mwahahaha...they will suspect NOTHING! >:D
This is when I decided to move out. Far out. Across campus out.
I stuck them in the quasi-Victorian joint 'cos it's my favourite Uni house. I don't know why.
It's only minor buildspam time. The place changed so much as I played it's better to just tack it on afterwards.
The startlingly bland entrance/dining room. They're too broke to afford coloured paint. Gives new meaning to the term 'white trash', doesn't it?
This is a failure of a living room.
This is Yuuko's chamber. It's Sinatra-approved, evidently.
And here's Sens' room. Maybe I play favourites a tiny bit. >_>
I'm going to take a second here and warn you: I love this bed. Every time I click on it, I think: Hey, this is a really together bed or I wish I had a bed this nice. I really do wish that--I just have this old futon which is losing its epic comfort. I direly want this bed.
I apologize if I can't help but mention that again in the future. D:
I don't remember what I was thinking when I took this. Let's just say the picture speaks for itself and leave it at that.
Yu gets her emo on.
Yuuko: Dear diary, I'm sorry if the page gets all speckly. It's raining My tears are falling from my eyes like an open wound.
Yuuko: Hey, have you read that article about the new strain of
Obnoxious Cheerleader: UNNNGH
Yuuko: ...about the new strain of HI
Obnoxious Cheerleader: UNNNNGH
Obnoxious Cheerleader: *pushes*
Yuuko: oof--look, let's just talk about this later.
Sens: Um...
Yuuko: The bitch is still behind me, isn't she?
Sens: M--
Obnoxious Cheerleader: UNNNNGH
Sens: --hm.
Yuuko: That's it. Fitness idle Scorpion kick!
Meanwhile, Sens works out his own aggressions on that damned llama.
Sens: Could I get off if I plead I thought he was a wild animal?
Fed up with life, the universe, and bloody school mascots, Sens and Yuuko go on a day trip to the Science lot. The nerds.
Sens: So we meet again, suspiciously Southern townie.
Suspiciously Southern Townie: Howdy.
Sens: Wait two minutes while I construct a little virus for you. Go lasso some cows or something.
Naturally, that does nothing to deter her.
Yuuko: So you're the suspiciously Southern townie that's been stalking my boyfriend.
Suspiciously Southern Townie: Howdy.
Sens: It's okay, Yu! We can fend her off with the mighty power of American War Munitions™!
Yuuko: *flexes* We can do it!
(...I just got home from work. Forgive me if the commentary's getting a little strange. ._.)
I was under the impression our teenaged mother here had already found the bone, hurr hurr hurr.
Yuuko: Screw off.
I send those wacky kids home.
This is the typical outdoors returnhome spam:
Noodle: ...what the hell have I gotten myself into? D:
And this is the typical lazy afternoon: those bloody mascots and the odd random YA passerby.
Sens: know, I actually made that sandwich for Yuuko...
Dormie: Nah, it's okay, she wanted me to have it.
Yuuko: What? No, I didn't!
Dormie: cool.
The guy on the right there is called Toju. I moved him in soon after because uni's only really fun with stupid dormies to enslave play with. So I sent them all out to a cafe to bond a little bit.
Sens immediately takes to the open mic and does his best William Shatner cover.
Sens:'s it go again?
Sens: an' goodnight.
Unfortunately, the other patrons are more interested in Martha Stewart Living than Sens' open mic stylings.
Toju: Oven mitts? God, she's got no balls. She's just draining a pot of boiling water.
Sens decides to reclaim the spotlight by jumping on the table and his girlfriend's lap.
He fails.
Yuuko: I wish I could fold napkins like that...
Yeah, yeah, they're broke. :P
QUICK! Find your order on the cc signs of epicness.
Venti Caramel Macchiato here.
Yuuko: Yeah, I need a venti double foam triple mocha quadruple sec cranberry tea, the bag dunked TWICE, no more, no less, a tall half-soy half-whole chai latte with...
Sens:, I can get you some hot you like hot water?
Immediately after returning home, Sens bolts upstairs.
Sens: Much better. :D
I thought this was just a little ACR, but Yuuko didn't seem inclined to join him. He just felt with hanging out in his underwear, I suppose.
Yuuko: And I like it! *licks finger*
She stalks him but doesn't join him. Makes sense.
Yuuko: What? What? Why is it raining all of a sudden? D:
...there's no way in hell you're getting your deposit back.
Yuuko: It should...stop eventually, right?
Sens: don't mind me just stealing ur foodz even tho i'm eatin exactly teh same thing
Yuuko: Oh, Sens...
Yuuko:'re the only douchebag that eats grilled cheese sandwiches with a fork!
Sens: Another day, another class! ^_^
...note to self: no shelves there.
I was going to move her in to keep with the theme of epic boots, but she was already unclickable when I got to her. D:
One day, Sexy Red-Booted Mistress. One day.
After class, they throw a good old-fashioned toga party. For some reason unbeknownst to anyone, Uggz shows up uninvited.
Professor #014: I don't do Uggz. Nobody does Uggz, you moron.
Uggz: ...aww...
Oh, Sens. Scarf + toga = you doing it right.
Sens/Yuuko/Professor #014: This is how we deal with Uggz, bitch! >_<
Sens: And they say that Zeus guy was buff.
Zeus: *smites*
Professor #147: Good evening, cat.
Noodle: Pleased to meet you.
Professor #147: Crisp?
Noodle: What kind are they?
Professor #147: Salt and vinegar.
Noodle: Oh. No, thank you.
Professors are always the life of the party, it seems.
The lady in the background is named Eire, by the way. She's a cool lass. I pledged her.
She does, however, rebel when asked to serve a simple meal.
Eire: I have no fish for my milkshakes! D:
I didn't tell you to make anything with fish. >_< Is it too much to ask for a plate of lunch meat sandwiches?
Evidently, it is until you grind with the person.
Toju: *outrage*
I think he's jealous. ._.
Later that evening, Sens and Yuuko share a nice idyllic moment.
Yuuko: This pie is amazing, Sens! What'd you put in it?
Sens: Nothing out of the ordinary, I don't think. Just cherries.
The cat spittle is just the toy surprise.
Noodle: Hey, it's not like anyone can be arsed to feed me around here.
Yuuko: Oh! *blush*
Cheerleader: Oh! *snaps neck*
I think you have the wrong reaction, dear.
Sens: and now, dear Noodle, your misdeeds shall be immortalized FOREVER! MWAHAHAH--
/orgasm face.
The next day, Yuuko and Sens have a nice sleep in, then head downstairs for a quaint family breakfast.
Yes. In their underwear.
'Course, the whole idyllic family time thing is interrupted rather quickly.
Yuuko: Oh--fuck! It's hot!
Sens: Really? It's been off the stove for a good half hour...
Yuuko: No, the...the--
Yuuko: --FIRE!
Noodle: Excuse me. I'd like to get by now, please!
Noodle, your adorable panic face is not helping anything this time. D:
Sens: Don't worry! It's just egg, it'll just be a little burnt!
Unlike Yuuko, evidently.
Firefighter: Did you really place chairs directly next to the fireplace on purpose? That's're a cruel bastard!
*shrug* You have to shake things up now and again.
Death: Oh. An omelette. I fucking hate omelettes.
Noodle: Word.
Sens: --oh SHIT, it's Death...wait! I know what to do--I saw NBC's When Death Attacks. GO AWAY! You're not wanted--go on, scat! Stay tuned for an all-new Ally McBeal!
Death: AHH, the HORROR! *flees*
Sens: Hmmph. Finally. *runs to class*
Noodle: Er, Yuuko, shouldn't you sit down?
Yuuko: Hells no. I'm late for my final exam now! D:
Surprisingly Fashionable Townie: I smell bacon?
Sens and Yuuko both pass with honours. I decide to build Yu a little hairdressing salon with the grant money, what with the whole traumatic experience and all.
Yuuko: Oh, honey. I'm going to make you a star.
Pretty Dormie: You know what? No. I really don't think this is working for me.
Yuuko: sure?
Pretty Dormie: Yeaaaah...
Yuuko: Better?
Pretty Dormie: *delight*
Out of boredom, I decide to intProp them in a massive toga party just for the hell of it. :D
Upon arriving, Sens' parents see fit to mack on the porch. Evidently, this is their way of blessing their firstborn.
You know your party is well off when you have both a streaker and a creepy window stalker.
Protip: there are no 'innocent bystanders' in the centre of a water balloon fight. Move, kids.
There's actually enough people to have two separate fights. :D I wish they could play Capture the Flag or something.
Syla: Wait a second...I'm wearing a white dress. Perhaps this isn't the most wise of ideas...
She is, however, pretty dollsome which makes up for her SMRT moments.
Yuuko: So...Syla, did you hear?
Syla: What is it, dah-ling?
Yuuko: Heheh, well, I may or may not have had a child with your firstborn.
Syla: Ahahaha! That's clever.
Syla: Wait a're not joking, are you?
Yuuko: I'm really not.
Syla: Ahahaha! That's rich!
Yuuko: Don't make me slap a grandma bitch.
On the other side of the party, the guests are getting a touch rowdy.
I'd like to introduce you to PedoProf™.
For some reason, this fellow shows up to the house more often than coincidence makes possible, and hits on ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE THERE without prejudice towards race, age, or sex.
I kid you not. Proof:
Sens: This is a PedoProf™ in its preferred hunting grounds.
I think he just wants to get in on the large and unabashed ACR orgy:
Sens! Bad! Time out!
Sens: mmmphyeah yeah one minute
Although it's good to see my self-sim getting some in the background. :D
That's it. I'm separating you two by a random dormie.
My god, I love pizzafaces. ._.
However, I forgot about the other two entirely.
That's not even your bed!
Maximillian: Yeah, well, the door was unlocked. Tough shit. It's a party.
I just left them to it. It's too much work keeping everybody off each other at a toga party. D:
The next morning, the pledges officially move in. I think. I don't honestly remember when they got there.
Toju's on the left, of course, and a made-over Eire is the woman in the Willow Rosenburg-esque dress. They're not important enough for stats or anything, but they do show up enough to warrant names.
Eire: You're so kind.
Random OMGPOP screen I didn't mean to take. I know! It's so interesting!
Toju reminded me of a slick 50s cat what with the hairstyle and all, so I just tossed him in a fitting suit. :D
This bathroom amuses me just for that door, by the way.
Noodle does not much enjoy sleeping with his balls to the wall.
Oh, and welcome to the studio.
These squires spend most of their non-edumacational moments up here drawing pictures. Sens does the odd still life, and Eire is a pottery nerd.
Apparently Yuuko is having naughty fantasies about the PedoProf™. Frank finds this fucking hilarious.
As do I, for that matter. There's some offspring I'm tempted to see. o_O
Noodle: Oh, good morning. I rather like your sho--
Noodle: So it's true. Absolutely everyone around me treats me like a bloody moron.
University is eating pizza in your underwear.
I'm making a conscious effort to keep Noodle full of that healthy radioactive glow so he doesn't mysteriously DROP DEAD on me again. D:
Noodle: Are these...Apple Jacks?
Shh! Don't share the secret to eternal life!
Professor #417: OHOHO! These paintings are a JOY! :D
Noodle: I need to learn how to lock the front door.
Sens: Th--is that a grilled cheese?
Eire: mhm.
Sens: ...where'd you get it?
Eire: stove.
Sens: Can...can I--
Eire: --no.
Her secondary aspiration is Grilled Cheese, for the record.
Jerk Mascot: Piffle.
Professor #417: ...why I OUGHTA--
Sens: Our academics, ladies and gentlemen.
Professor #417: PICK YER' NOSE! DX
Jerk Mascot: :O
And this is when I learned that I've been sleeping wrong for the past seventeen years.
Jerk Mascot: ...I'm still watching you, bitch.
Sens: ...out of sight, out of mind...
Yuuko: Oh, hello. I don't think we've been introduced. I'm Yuuko...what do you think of my painting?
Jerk Mascot: Piffle.
Yuuko: ...WAAAAAAH-HAAA-HAAA! *sobs*
Sens: WHAT THE FUCK? WHY ARE YOU BROKEN? You're a sink, goddamnit, it's not like anyone took a sledgehammer to you! No sink breaks like that!
Sens: RAAAAAGE! *mauls sink with wrench*
*checks stats* You've got eight mechanical points, mate. Don't you think you'd know you can't BEAT THE THING INTO SUBMISSION?
Sens: Phew--nevermind, problem solved.
._. I stand corrected.
First Greek house swag! :D
I think it was one of those loveseats.
Eire: Oh, hi Sens! I see you've morphed into a kitteh!
Noodle: ...look a little to your right, Eire.
Eire: Oh, hi Noodle! I see you've morphed into a man!
Sens: it worth explaining this to her?
Toju: Feel free to try.
Yuuko made a rather dashing picture of Sens. Heir portrait, y/n?
Frank agrees, anyways.
Eire: Heheheh now NO ONE will notice!
._. Except for me. I stuck all the couch swag outdoors and made a little waiting area/coffee bar for the salon.
I wish I had enough money to construct a hairstyling salon while at university. ._.
Wait, scratch that.
I wish I had money while at university. ._.
Yuuko still does makeovers, but some of the dormies are just plain beyond being saved.
Yuuko: I call it...Scene Clown!
Scene Clown: zOMGs!
This guy always comes round since Yuuko gave him a haircut. I'd pledge him, but he always just does annoying shit like this, so...
...I'm not changing my mind.
Only Yuuko would eat jello with a fork.
Yuuko: What? It's a thing...
So many innuendos, so little time.
That's some complicated pre-WooHoo arm manoeuvering right there.
Sens: you mind?
No. Carry on.
This is all they do. They wake up, have a nice pizza or two, then proceed to their hobbies: Toju digs shit up, Eire makes pottery, Yuuko spams the easel, and Sens gardens a bit or does the odd still life. Hence all the disjointed pictures.
And a random cutespam. ._.
Come on.
Come onnnn.
I...I don't honestly know how this came about. I think I made them celebrate the first snowfall with some grinding when some streaker happened by.
Streaker: C'mere. ;D
Of course, they scared her off the only way they know how.
Sens/Eire: No, you c'mere. ;D
Streaker: OH SHI--
Another day, another toga party.
Sens: Noodle, do you think I'm bad for missing my children's formative years?
Noodle: No, Sens. I've always just thought you very special.
Sens: Oh. I guess I see your point.
Sens: Um...mum, d'you mind?
Syla: You can wait. Like the children you neglected to phone or write about, apparently.
Toga'D Cheerleader: *scratches back on wall*
Actually, this picture is just here because I noticed there was a 'Pet Cat' interaction when sitting next to one on the couch. :D
Sadly, it looks fucking retarded. I don't mean any offense--it's just that she looks like a lunatic.
Eire: hurr hurr hurr
Please close your legs now. I'm a little disturbed that the maker of your dress bothered to detail your panties.
Syla: This is for not telling me you had kids! :D
Sens: Mom. Dead. Bone. Drop it. >_>
The next morning, Sens comes across the Holy Grail.
Or something to that effect.
Sens: Did...did you just autonomously spray the roaches for me right after I greeted you?
Tsuna: Yep.
Sens: You're moving in.
I instantly loved that girl. I'm PRETTY SURE her name's Tsuna, but I could be mistaken.
Sens, you're doing it wr...ri...well, either wrong or right, depending on your perspective.
Dormie: I know, right? :) History is such a fascinating subject.
Sens: honk, honk.
The problem with having a small studio that everyone uses is that guests flock there as well to interact.
So: art party! :D
Oh, and those godawful gloves on Tsuna were an accident I was too lazy to fix until she had officially moved in. ._.
They even go for some hardcore Kicky Bagging in Toju's room (I gave him Yuuko's chamber as she just slept with Sens more often than not anyways. ._.).
You know you're good when you have a mascot and two fans when you play with a beanbag.
Hey, Toju...why so BLUE? AHAHAHAH--
Toju: You're cruel and unfunny.
If you haven't guessed, Winter's here. I have it disabled in the main 'hood 'cos I vehemently dislike the season, but I secretly like to play in the snow when it comes around.
I could comment on how Sens is gaping at Tsuna's arse, or how it looks like the penguin is going to shank the llama while the dormie watches with glee. I'm not, though.
Penguin: You know, you look like ONE OF THE VILLAGE PEOPLE. LOLFAG.
The penguin's trolling goes vastly unregarded due to a sudden LLAMAFIGHT.
Eire: No! Won't someone think of the snowmen?
I...I don't really know what's going on here, other than that the Dormie is not wearing seasonally-appropriate clothing, and that Toju has no fear of blue balls.
Oh, Eire, not you too...
Eire: I don't tan.
Penguin: it was a ski accident, you say?
Toju: Oh, why did I eat that last slice of pizza?
The bloke does not wear man-boobs well.
Tsuna: Oh, you're such a poser.
Annnnnd Yu got food poisoning.
Why is it only ever her that vomits?
Cruelty, thy name is pelting the smelly and suddenly chubby boy with snowballs.
Irony, thy name is the fact that he still gets a green plus from it.
Sens: Um...who the hell are you, and why are you doing the chicken dance in my house?
Mysterious Bloke: Well, sah, I've only one thing to say...
Mysterious Bloke: STOP IN THE NAME OF THE LAH!
...this is turning into some seriously kinky shit, if you ask me.
Wait a moment...I know what this is...
Sens: Abducted by the secret society. Oh yeah...although I would have preferred an actual stripper handcuffing me and shoving me in a limo.
Epic secret handshake is epic.
I've never had an SS abduction before, can you tell? >_>
Of course, the lot itself is rampantly dull, so I send Sens back home soon after to find a bit of a kicker:
Yuuko: Yeah...apparently you're not supposed to mix it with pizza. But I'm gonna have another baby! :D
Sigh. Next time on the Muscles legacy:
GlaDos: Okay, that is done. I am bored now.