Never have I been so proud to have a bruise. Yesterday afternoon a group of guys from work and myself got together to have some hamburgers and shoot the shit. It just so happens the coworker who's house we were visiting was in the middle of a wooded area and he just so happens to be a gun enthusiast. A group of 5 of us emptied about 6-7 boxes of
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Well, I'm finally getting around to attempting to sell the Jeep. One of my aunts is looking to buy it so I'm going to attempt to get everything working. ON Saturday I replaced the water pump thinking it was the cause for my squeeking belts. Turns out it's the power steering pump. I also went about mounting the back up cooling fan in a manner that
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I remember at one time someone had said I should considering doing art to pass time. Unfortunately, something between my mind and my hand gets lost in translation and whatever I put to paper generally looks like ass. Shame I have no intention on improving on that
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It looks like the weather is finally warming up and if all things go well, I'll be able to go ride the bike on Sunday with clear skies. It'll be a little balmy at 60 degrees, but a good heavy jacket should block the wind
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