Who: Everyone who feels like it!
When: Friday, Oct. 14, starting at 7PM
Where: Mayfield Rec Center. Let the drones have their party at the school.
What: A grand American tradition, Mayfield homecoming!
Warnings: Underage drinking. Pranks a-plenty. Spiked punch x1000. Also the Major is coming.
Tonight's the night: homecoming! To keep the party drone-free, the residents have moved it to the Rec Center, where the basketball courts have been cleared out for a dance floor. That leaves the rest of the center up for explorations and fun times as well. There's a buffet table with party foods donated by town members, a line of (soon to be spiked) punch bowls and bottled soda, and some chairs.
techno-mancer has set up his DJing equipment to the side of the courts - mix table, speakers, computers - and will play a healthy mix of music for your dancing pleasure, whether slow or fast. He'll take requests as well, or let people who want to sing and play music borrow the speakers.
The doors open for everyone at 7:00, and the party will go until well after midnight. Everyone is welcome, but there will be chaperoning adults to keep an eye on those tricky teens... or will they only be adding to the mischief?
Party down and have fun, Mayfield!
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