"I can imagine a perfect world, a world without hate, a world without war. Then I can imagine us attacking that world because they'd never expect it
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Today has just been an inovative day in watching tv. Now I'm watching Death Wish 4 staring Charles Bronson, some of you may be too young to know who that is. But this is one of the greatest movies to ever have the main character arbitrarily kill everyone.
Alright. DEATH AND CARNAGE Saturday at my house, from whenever to whenever. I know some of you havet to work and what not but be here any way. The Haloing shall be awesome.
Created by naw5689 and taken 9092 times on bzoink! Choose a band/artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band:MetallicaAre you male or female:Low MAN"s lyricDescribe yourself:Hero of the DayHow do some people feel about you:Prince CharmingHow do you feel about yourself:Minus Human
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