May 12, 2008 00:30
Dude! Okay so we hit some great nightspot type places and let me tell ya, we're having A great time clubbing. You totally all wish you were having this much fucking fun!
Apr 30, 2008 00:31
It's a weird end of year. I mean hardly anyone gets to end on a win eh? But I dunno.
Apr 15, 2008 22:52
I've been sitting here a long time, trying to think or something, and I have nothing.
Mar 22, 2008 01:53
Making new friends, specially ones with similar interests is pretty fucking awesome.
Mar 16, 2008 16:15
I need to mix something up. I just have no idea what that could be right now, ha.
Feb 13, 2008 02:18
I've been getting some pretty racy gifts lately. Either someone has a mad crush on me In the locker room or some puck is working awfully hard, or you know that guy I married is pretty fucking crafty. ;) I gotta try and top all of this somehow. Thank you baby.
Jan 26, 2008 17:07
You know what I'm gonna say? Yeah, so there's not much point in saying it at all.
Nov 30, 2007 02:06
I think I've never mocked Rider pride so much in my life, or had to suck all that up in the end either. Not that I cared at that point, you know? But I loved getting to see him. And getting to see him so happy. Yeah go Green… shut up, I can say it once… ;p
Oct 30, 2007 16:07
You know they say the outside spoon is the innocent spoon? I don't really buy that. I think there's some equal non-innocence that could happen inside or out. I got to have a cute chick as my press box date the other day too. She was drooling, but that's cool.