hey guys, i am switching user on lj. Quietussnape is the new account name, look for me there one more thing, anyone know how to disable account? i wish to delete this one, let me know through here or e-mail
hey guys, i am switching user on lj. Quietussnape is the new account name, look for me there one more thing, anyone know how to disable account? i wish to delete this one, let me know throug here or e-mail
Class got canceled, but I am already at school... Wish I'd known about it this morning, so I wouldn't end up stuck here now. Could have slept in till 8 too... This is spiffing.
does anyone know anything about anceint greek culture, especially the island of crete? let me know cause i have to do a term papger sometime and i want to know more about the linear A + B language used by the minos...?
Baby Aki is back home now. He was under a neighbour's pourch and she called us as soon as she spotted him. He's still his old self though slightly more jumpy, but that is to be expected. He's getting a bath tomorrow; *smirk* Dan gets the honours since i won't be home in the morning. anyway, i'm just glad he's home.