(no subject)

Oct 28, 2011 21:52

[Context is somewhere around here.]

dividedMalakh began trolling spatialMartyr

sM: as a friend of Mine soMeTiMes asks Me, "was There soMeThing?"
dM: (nods) I wanted to get your attention, and this seemed more discreet than sending up a signal flare.
sM: okay, shooT.
dM: I'm sitting with Gordon Freeman right now.
dM: Remember that Synth I told you about? The Gene Worm?
sM: ...daMMiT, Michael, i'd alMosT Managed 2 forgeT That sTory.
dM: Sorry. There *were* several of those things. Now there's only one.
dM: And the Resistance are gearing up to drop a 50,000-ton craphammer on it.
sM: honesT and for True?
dM: For, as they say, reals.
dM: And I found myself remembering how you got left out last time.
sM: iT's okay. They don'T need Me; They've goT ThaT girl wiTh The TeleporTal gun.
sM: unless They don'T?
dM: They don't. Apparently she's got her own PTSD to work through.
dM: But yours seems to be under control, so...
sM: so you Turn 2Me in The hour of need. Thanks, Michael!
sM: hey, The capiTalizaTion acTually lined up! good deal!
dM: *chuckle* So when can I expect you?
sM: any MoMenT now!

spatialMartyr ceased trolling dividedMalakh.

t-minus, milliways, slider

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