Title: Closer to the Heart
Chapter 8: The Killer in Me
Rating: PG-13?
Warnings: If you’re not offended by the episode, you shouldn’t be offended by this fic.
Summary: Willow clears the air with Kennedy. Spike’s chip misfires, leaving Buffy with a difficult decision.
A/N: This one was pretty challenging. Considering how much of this episode had already been undermined by ‘Close to the Chest,’ it was hard to stitch the remaining pieces together. I’ve discovered that I’m very canon-whipped.
A/N2: Breaking slightly from my policy of, “If I don’t hit the scene in the fic, assume that scene is unchanged.” Now revised to: any scenes featuring Willow and/or Kennedy that are not included in the fic (i.e. All the smooching and the Warren and Amy stuff) should be considered erased.
A/N3: If you’re wondering about the Amy storyline that was originally in this episode, you need to read (or re-read) the prequel fic ‘Close to the Chest’ in which that story played out with Buffy as the catalyst instead of Kennedy.
“And then,” Giles said to Buffy, “apparently, someone told them that the vision quest consists of me driving them to the desert, doing the hokey pokey until a spooky Rasta-mama Slayer arrives and speaks to them in riddles.” He looked accusingly at Buffy.
“That’s not exactly how I put it,” Buffy said with an innocent look on her face. “I…” she paused as Willow came downstairs and entered the room. “Hey, how’s Kennedy?”
“Still fluey,” Willow answered sadly. “Bummed about missing the field trip.” She turned to Giles. “She says she wants you to meditate extra hard for her and bring her back some S’mores,” she finished with a grin and a giggle.
*You know, I’m starting to get a little worried about her,* thought Buffy to Willow.
“Ah yes. S’mores.”
*Don’t,* Willow advised. *You’ve got enough to deal with. I can handle one flu patient.*
“I’m going to end up singing campfire songs, aren’t I?”
“Oh yeah,” Buffy told Giles with a smile.
*That’s not what I meant,* Buffy thought back.
The front door opened and Xander marched in, followed by Dawn.
“Giles, you might wanna get out there,” Xander announced.
*I mean, you said she tries to talk to you and stuff,* Buffy continued.
“Oh God, what?” Giles asked with dread.
*What if she’s like - trying to seduce you or something?*
“Molly and Rona are fighting over who gets to drive the first leg,” Dawn informed Giles.
“Bet you wish you’d renewed that California state driver’s license now, huh?” Buffy quipped.
*I’ll set her straight if it becomes an issue,* thought Willow as Anya entered through the still open front door. *Well, not straight, I guess. Just - gay, but - not for me.*
“Rona won,” Anya told them. “You should probably let Molly out of the trunk.”
*Try not to worry too much, okay?* Willow added. *I love you, Buffy.*
*I love you too,* Buffy replied readily.
“I never actually realized just how compact Molly is,” Anya continued as she walked into the kitchen.
Giles sighed.
“Please be safe while I’m away,” he told Buffy and Willow.
“You too,” said Buffy.
They both waited for the sound of tires treading pavement, moving away from the house.
*Oh, thank God they’re all gone,* Buffy thought.
“You know you can talk out loud,” Willow pointed out.
“Oh yeah,” Buffy realized.
“And not all gone,” the witch reminded her. “Flu patient, remember?” She pointed toward the ceiling.
“Still easier to duck one of them than fifteen,” Buffy replied as she stood.
“True,” Willow acknowledged.
“Come here,” Buffy said with a smile. “I wanna tell you something.” Willow stepped closer and they shared a brief kiss. “I love you,” said the Slayer happily.
“I love you too.”
“It’s so nice to say it out loud,” Buffy commented. “I just hope Kennedy really is sick.”
“Guess you wouldn’t want her listening around a corner or something,” said Willow.
“I’d hear her coming,” Buffy said reassuringly. “Which reminds me, I was gonna check on Spike.”
“Want me to come with?” Willow offered.
“You can if you want. I should only be a minute though. Just wanna make sure he hasn’t been seeing spooks or anything.”
“Okay,” Willow answered. “Maybe I’ll head up to your room and - slip into something more comfortable.”
“Wouldn’t your comfy clothes be in your room?” Buffy questioned.
“Well, maybe I’ll slip into nothing,” suggested the redhead.
“Wicked witch is wicked,” said Buffy as they kissed. “I’ll be up as soon as I can.”
Willow hummed tunelessly to herself as she moved slowly toward the stairs. She was thrilled at the prospect of finally spending some real quality time with Buffy. Their tryst in the school broom closet felt like ages ago and Willow was craving Buffy, both physically and emotionally. Her body and soul felt warm and safe for the first time in a long while as she placed her hand on the doorknob to Buffy’s room.
“Hey,” Willow greeted somberly as Buffy came into the kitchen. The random misfiring of Spike’s chip was not a happy circumstance for anyone. “How is he?”
“In the ‘goes’ part of ‘come and goes’,” said Buffy as she had a seat.
“Well, there seems to be a definite lack of screaming,” Willow pointed out. “That has to be good.”
“You’d think,” Buffy sighed. “Will, how much do you know about the chip?”
“Well, I remember trying to dig up stuff back then, but, you know, turns out, when a secret government agency studies vampires and puts chips in their brains that keep them from hurting people, they don’t really build websites. Why?”
“Even with the chip, Spike was able to hurt all those people when he was brainwashed.”
“Yeah,” Willow acknowledged, “but he was under the control of The First. I’m thinkin’ the root of all evil can probably have its way with a little piece of machinery.”
“Maybe something’s actually wrong with it though,” Buffy suggested.
“You think the chip is misfiring all on its own now,” said Willow. “Well, this’ll be fun.”
“Remember when things used to be nice and boring?” Buffy lamented.
“…No,” Willow said with a shrug.
“I really hate this, you know.”
“I know.” Willow put an arm over Buffy’s shoulder.
“All I wanna do is be with you, Will,” Buffy said sadly. “And everything just keeps getting in the way.”
“I feel exactly the same way,” Willow stated emphatically as she leaned in for a kiss. Buffy kissed back fiercely, standing up and pressing Willow against the counter. “Buffy?” Willow questioned. “Kennedy’s still upstairs.”
“And we’re downstairs,” Buffy answered as she started kissing Willow’s neck.
“Spike’s right below us.”
“Let him listen,” the Slayer mumbled.
A high-pitched whistling sound interrupted their conversation. Buffy turned and glanced at the oven.
“You’re making tea?” Buffy asked.
“I thought you might like a cup,” Willow informed her. “And I was also gonna take one up to Kennedy. Help her feel better.”
“You’re making tea for Kennedy.” Buffy took a step back.
“Hey.” Willow reached out and grabbed Buffy’s hand. “I’m making tea. Period.” She kissed Buffy’s hand once before crossing to the stove.
“Willow, what if she really is trying to make a pass at you? I swear, I get weird vibes from her,” said Buffy. “What if she misinterprets this friendly stuff as some kind of a green light?”
“Buffy, you don’t need to worry about this,” Willow insisted. “Like I told you before, if it gets to be a problem then we’ll deal with it, but don’t add problems where there aren’t any.” Willow began pouring hot water into three cups.
“I-I’m sorry,” Buffy said quietly. “I guess I’m just kinda jealous.”
“There’s nothing to be jealous of, Buffy,” said Willow as she added teabags to the hot water.
“She gets to be there when I can’t.”
“You know what I wanna say.” Willow turned and caught a pained look on the Slayer’s face. “I’m sorry,” she amended quickly. “I shouldn’t have said that.”
“I’m gonna go check on Spike,” Buffy announced. “Make sure he hasn’t popped another blood vessel.” She turned and headed for the basement again.
“Buffy?” Willow called after her. “Buffy!” She heard the basement door shut. Frowning to herself, she placed a cup of tea in front of Buffy’s empty seat, then grabbed the other two and headed upstairs.
“Hey,” Willow greeted with bravado as she entered the room. “I figure the best thing for a cold is a nice, hot cup of…” she trailed off as she saw Kennedy putting on a pair of - “Boots?” she questioned.
“Hey,” said Kennedy.
“For someone who’s sick you look surprisingly robust and casual dressy,” Willow pointed out.
“Well, the lighting in here is good,” Kennedy tried. “Maybe it’s just-”
“You were never sick,” Willow accused.
“No,” Kennedy admitted slowly. “I was never sick.”
“Oh, you are so busted,” the witch told her. “Xander’s gonna have to drive you to the desert and-”
“Willow, chill,” Kennedy interrupted as she stood. “There’s a reason I didn’t go. I have a thing. A separate thing.”
“What?” Willow asked, though she thought she knew.
“Something’s coming down,” said Kennedy as she put on her coat. “I have my own mission. And I need your help.”
“What mission?” Willow challenged.
“At the Bronze, come on,” she said as she moved toward the door.
“No,” Willow said flatly. “Kennedy, I keep telling you to stop this. So stop it, okay.”
“Come on,” Kennedy said again. “Just hang out with me a little.” Willow sighed. “You’re sexy when you pout,” Kennedy added.
“Why do you do that?” Willow demanded.
“To get you to stay,” Kennedy returned with a pout of her own.
“Why don’t you take me seriously when I tell you to back off?”
“Can’t we at least talk about it?” said Kennedy. “Maybe over drinks.”
“We can talk,” Willow answered. “But we’re not going out and this tea is the strongest drink you’re getting.” She held out the cup in her left hand.
“I can work with that,” Kennedy decided, taking the cup.
“No you can’t,” Willow corrected her. “This is just talking.”
“Let’s start with the easy stuff,” Kennedy continued. “How long have you known?” Willow looked back at her blankly. “That you’re gay,” she clarified.
“Wait, that’s easy?” asked Willow, fidgeting uncomfortably and sipping her tea. “And you just assume that I’m - I’m gay. I mean, presume much?”
“Okay,” said Kennedy with a grin. “How long have you enjoyed having sex with women?”
“Hey!” Willow cried indignantly. Kennedy chuckled. “What, you think you have some special lesbi-dar or something?”
“Okay, you know there’s a better word for that, right?” Kennedy leaned against the dresser. Willow took another sip of her tea. “You really haven’t been getting out there much, have you?”
“Well, I just…” Willow wasn’t sure how to respond. “Can you always tell just - just by looking at someone?” Buffy had said Kennedy gave here vibes.
“No. No, of course not,” Kennedy dismissed. “That wouldn’t be any fun. The fun part is the process of - of getting to know a girl.” Willow wondered if she’d been about to say ‘process of seduction.’ “It’s like - it’s like flirting in code. It’s using body language and laughing at the right jokes and - and looking into her eyes and knowing she’s still whispering to you, even when she’s not saying a word.” Willow carefully avoided eye contact. “And that sense that if you can just touch her, just once, everything will be okay, for both of you.” That was a succinct summary of how Willow felt about Buffy. “That’s how you can tell,” Kennedy finished with a grin. “Or if she’s really hot, you just get her drunk - see if she comes on to you.”
“Three years ago, that’s when I knew.”
Kennedy smiled.
“Do your parents know?” she prompted further.
“Yeah,” Willow answered. “My mom was - was all proud, like I was making some political statement.” She took another sip. “Then the statement mojo wore off and I was just gay. She hardly ever even met Tara.”
“Classic,” Kennedy mumbled.
“I didn’t mind,” Willow told her. “Tara and I were kind of private.” She and Buffy were apparently even more so. She looked up to see Kennedy studying her face. “So what about you? When did you know?”
“It was ‘Gone with the Wind’,” Kennedy supplied readily. “I saw that and I knew I wanted to sweep Scarlet off her feet.”
“You were five,” Willow challenged.
“Well, I’m not saying the sweeping would have been easy,” she said with a smile. “What?” she added in response to Willow’s thoughtful expression.
“I just - I still don’t get it,” said the witch with a shrug. “Why you like me. I mean, you don’t even know me.”
“Have you seen you?” Willow blushed in reply. “And we like the same things. Italian, skate punk, Robert Parker mysteries, fighting evil…”
“I don’t like any of that stuff,” Willow corrected her, shaking her head. “Except the - the fighting evil part. Even then, I prefer a nice foot massage.”
“Okay, I dig the way you always turn off the Moulin Rouge DVD at chapter thirty-two so it has a happy ending.” Willow laughed at the comment. “I like the way you speak. It’s interesting.” Willow sipped her tea. “And your freckles…lickable,” Kennedy added seductively. Willow blushed. “I’m not so into the magic stuff,” the potential Slayer qualified. “It seems like fairy tale crap to me, but it matters to you… You care about it, so it’s cool.”
They were both silent for a moment.
“Kennedy, I’m really flattered,” Willow began.
“Why do I sense a ‘but’ coming on?”
“I’m just not interested, okay?” the witch stated bluntly. “I’m not looking for a relationship.”
“Why not?” Kennedy pressed.
“Because I already have one.” Both of them froze. “Tell me that last part wasn’t out loud,” Willow requested.
“You’re lying,” Kennedy decided.
“Oh God,” Willow said nervously. “I - I should go.” She reached for the doorknob, but Kennedy grasped her wrist. “Let go, Kennedy. Please.”
“Willow,” the potential Slayer said softly. “You have a girlfriend?”
The witch’s eyes moved back and forth between Kennedy and the doorknob, unsure of what would be the best thing to do. If she told Kennedy the truth, Buffy would be disappointed and Willow would have violated her trust. If she let Kennedy think she was lying, there would be no stopping the excessive flirting. She stood still, rooted to the spot with indecision.
“Willow,” Kennedy continued more softly still, “is that who you cry about every night?”
“Oh God,” Willow said again. What should she do?
“Oh my God, it is,” Kennedy realized.
*Willow?* Buffy’s thoughts echoed in her head.
“Oh God, not now,” said Willow distractedly.
“Willow, why do you cry?” Kennedy prompted.
*Willow, where are you?* Buffy asked.
*Upstairs,* Willow managed to answer. *What do you need?*
“I need to go,” the witch told Kennedy. She pulled her hand away and opened the door.
“Wait.” Kennedy moved to follow her, but found her path impeded by a semi-transparent gray barrier that crackled when she touched it. “Willow!”
*Did I just her Kennedy shout your name?* Buffy questioned.
*Never mind her. What do you need, Buffy?* thought Willow as she started down the stairs.
*You didn’t have to just bail on her,* the Slayer pointed out. *I could’ve waited a minute if you needed it.*
*Don’t worry,* Willow told her. *Conversation was getting boring anyway.*
*Spike and I are about to head out,* Buffy informed her. *I was wondering if you might wanna come with us.*
*We’re gonna hit the Initiative,* Buffy explained.
“Oh, hey.” Buffy nearly ran into Willow at the bottom of the stairs. “You okay?”
“You startled me,” Willow tried, hoping that was enough to explain any ambiguities in her facial expressions. “So, the Initiative?”
“Yeah. We’re hoping we can find something helpful there. Or at least find a drug to help with the pain.”
“And you want me to come with you?” Willow verified.
“If you want to,” Buffy muttered. “I mean, if you’d rather-”
“I want to, Buffy,” Willow assured her.
*Xander,* thought the witch, reaching out to him.
“Good,” said Buffy with a smile, reaching for Willow’s hand.
*Geez, Will,* came Xander’s reply. *Is there any way to warn me when you’re gonna do that?*
“Ready, pet?” said Spike as he came around the corner. “Red coming with us then?” he added at the sight of Willow.
*Kennedy’s not really sick,* Willow informed Xander.
“Yeah, we’re ready,” Buffy answered, opening the front door.
*I’ll leave it up to you whether or not you wanna drive her out there or just leave her in her room,* thought Willow as the three of them stepped out into the night air. *Buffy and I are headed out.*
*Okay - oh hang on, Will. The phone’s ringing.*
“I’ll get it,” they heard Andrew say as Buffy closed the front door.
Kennedy rushed down the stairs as soon as Willow’s barrier vanished.
“Loser,” she heard Xander saying in the living room. “Hey, Kennedy!” he added in a raised voice.
“Oh, um, hey,” said Kennedy as she made her way into the living room. She realized too late that she had been playing sick. “Have you guys seen Willow?”
“Hey…” Andrew said softly, trying to get someone’s attention.
“She just left with Buffy and Spike,” Anya said helpfully.
“She, uh, told me that you weren’t really sick,” said Xander.
“Hey…” Andrew said again.
“She did?” Dawn questioned. “When did she do that?”
“Guess I’m busted,” Kennedy mumbled.
“Hey…” repeated Andrew.
“What?” Xander acknowledged Andrew at last.
“Do we know some British guy named Robson?”
“Are you sure you still wanna go back in this place with me?” Spike asked as he, Buffy, and Willow wandered through the woods.
“Eh, nothing good on TV tonight,” Buffy commented.
“And you, Red?” added the vampire.
“I wanna help out,” Willow said readily. “Maybe we can find a working computer or something useful.”
“Here we are,” Spike realized, eyes searching the ground. “Yep, here we are.”
“You think the stuff’s still good?” Buffy asked as they knelt, feeling around in the dirt.
“I don’t know,” Spike muttered. “Worked pretty good when the Initiative kept me here. Every time I’d get a little - rambunctious, the chip’d kick in. I feel like my head was gonna explode. They’d dope me up and everything would be all daffodils and teddy bears. For a couple of hours anyway.”
“I thought you didn’t realize what the chip was doing until that time you tried to bite me,” Willow questioned.
“I knew it hurt,” Spike explained. “Even if I hadn’t worked out what was causing the pain.”
“You know, Will, I think you’re right about searching for files and stuff,” Buffy told her. “We should find out everything we can about the chip - shelf life.”
“I’ll take whatever I can get,” Spike commented as he grabbed hold of a chain in the dirt.
“Ready?” asked Buffy, seizing the chain as well.
“Yeah.” They pulled, shifting dirt as they opened a large grate.
“He was attacked,” Xander said as he hung up the phone, “this Robson guy in England.” He returned to the group and had a seat. “And Giles was there helping him. And there was a Bringer.”
“Xander…” Anya said softly, leaning forward.
“Robson blacked out,” Xander continued, “but the last thing he remembers is Giles’ head about to get really familiar with a Bringer’s very sharp axe.”
“Oh my God!” Dawn exclaimed.
“Giles never mentioned any of this,” Anya pointed out.
“Robson said by the time he came to - there was no Giles.”
“So what are we saying?” Dawn questioned.
“Nothing good,” Kennedy noted.
“Maybe Giles just didn’t want to talk about it,” Xander suggested hopefully.
“Or maybe he didn’t make it,” Kennedy argued.
“Or - yeah that,” Anya said, pointing at Kennedy. Everyone’s faces paled. “Look, I’m not saying it’s a happy scenario, but we’re dealing with a Big Bad that can be any dead person it wants.”
“Because if you wanna infiltrate the inner circle of the Slayer…” said Xander darkly.
“Become the one person she trusts more than anybody else,” Anya finished the thought.
“But there’s no way that we can know,” Dawn contested.
“Actually, that’s not true,” Andrew contradicted her. “The First can’t take corporeal form, so it can’t touch anything.”
“Oh,” said Anya, “it’s not like Giles hasn’t touched anything, right?” She looked expectantly at the others, all of whom had pensive looks on their faces. “Ha-has anyone seen Giles touch anything since he got back? Hold anything?” No one answered. “Has anybody hugged him? Think very hard.”
Xander stood and hurried toward the door; Anya, Dawn, and Kennedy followed readily.
“Wait,” Andrew said, hesitantly following, “where’re you-”
“The desert,” Xander answered. “We’re gonna find Giles.”
“Oh good. Just let me get some tapes for the car. I’ve been working on this mix-”
“You’re not coming,” Xander interrupted him.
“What? Why?” Andrew asked in confusion. “’Cause I used to be evil?”
“No, actually, ‘cause you’re annoying,” Xander corrected him, “but that’s a good reason too.”
“Wait,” said Andrew in a panic, “I - don’t leave me here alone. I keep getting attacked in this house.”
“Actually, Xand…” Dawn said softly.
“Who cares?” Kennedy demanded. “We need to get moving.”
“What if this is all part of the plan?” Andrew suggested. “Drive you guys away so it can have its way with me? Ever think of that?”
“I’ll risk it,” Xander stated bluntly, putting his hand on the doorknob.
“Okay, well, if you leave me here alone, I’ll do something evil,” Andrew threatened. “Like burning something or - gluing things together.”
“For crying out loud, Harris, just take him,” said Anya in frustration. “At least we can keep an eye on him.”
Xander waved Andrew forward as Kennedy opened the door. Dawn, Kennedy, and Andrew hurried out quickly.
“Xander…” Anya said softly.
“I know, they’re out there all alone,” Xander told her. “All of ‘em.”
“Okay, I’ll go,” said Andrew, “R.” No one answered him. “Ghost is hard to play by yourself.”
“Are you completely insane?” Kennedy asked him.
“How long since they left?” said Anya quickly before an argument could break out.
“A few hours,” Xander answered.
“If it is The First, and I’m not saying it is,” she qualified, “what’re we expecting to find?”
“He didn’t bring them out there to meditate,” Xander said soberly.
“Kinda makes you grateful you weren’t a potential after all, doesn’t it?” Andrew said to Dawn.
“Sitting right here,” Kennedy reminded him.
“And not so fast with the big ‘phew’,” Anya told them.
“He might know we’re coming,” Xander realized.
“Which means we’re already too late,” Anya reasoned, “and we’re heading out into the middle of nowhere.”
“With no Slayer,” Dawn added, “no powerful witch…”
“Just a teenager, a Slayer waiting to happen, a powerless former demon, and two big geeks,” Anya listed.
Everyone fell silent.
“Okay, license plate game maybe,” said Andrew. Again no one answered.
“Hey, so I’ve got a question,” Kennedy said suddenly. “It’s sort of off topic.”
“It’s not like we have anything else to do,” Anya noted.
“License plate game,” Andrew repeated.
“So, what’s your question, Kennedy?” Xander prompted.
“Well, I was just wondering,” she began. “Does - oh, hell with it. Does Willow have a girlfriend?”
Xander and Dawn shifted uncomfortably; Andrew was watching cars out of the window.
“Yes,” Anya answered readily.
“But she doesn’t really want us talking about it,” Xander said pointedly.
“Why not?” Kennedy questioned.
“That’s her business,” said Xander flatly.
“Why do you wanna know?” Anya inquired. “Are you gay? Were you going to make a pass at her? Because I would advise against that.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” said Kennedy.
“So you are gay,” Dawn commented.
“Why do you care?” Kennedy replied.
“No reason,” said Dawn with a shrug.
*Hey,* Willow thought to Buffy as they watched the soldiers examining Spike.
*Hey,* Buffy replied.
*You doing okay?*
*God, Will, I should be asking you that,* Buffy looked guiltily at her feet. *I shouldn’t have asked you to come.*
*What, this?* Willow held up her arm, which was wrapped in heavy bandages that the soldiers had provided. *Buffy, it was barely a scrape.*
*It was six inch gash,* Buffy argued.
*Don’t worry about it,* Willow insisted. *The demon came out of nowhere. It’s not your fault.*
*I asked you to come along.*
*Stop worrying,* Willow told her, pouting as she thought it. *I’m okay, Buffy. And besides, it’s worth it. I’m glad I could be here for you. With you.*
*Will, I don’t want you to get sliced and diced just to be with me.*
*It was one little gash,* Willow countered. *I wish you wouldn’t blame yourself.*
“Miss Summers,” the leading officer called out as he approached. “Med team tells me they took a look at the chip. You were right,” he said as he crossed his arms. “It’s degraded. Leave it as it is much longer, it’ll be fatal to him.”
Buffy swallowed nervously.
“Okay, so how long t-”
“Now,” he answered.
Buffy sighed.
“Right, of course. Um, what do we do next?”
“Agent Finn said it was your call, ma’am,” the soldier informed her.
“My - what was my call?”
“All decisions regarding Hostile Seventeen are to be left in your hands,” he explained. “This chip, we can either repair it…or remove it.”
*Willow, hold me,* Buffy thought.
*In front of the Army?*
*I don’t care about the stupid Army.* Willow wrapped both arms around the Slayer; the military officer made no comment. *What should I do?*
*I don’t know, Buffy.*
“Miss Summers, we need a decision.”
“I’m thinking,” Buffy said quickly. “I just need a minute.”
*It’s your call, Buffy,* Willow offered. *You know I’ll support you either way.*
*But what’s your opinion?*
*My opinion…* Willow thought it over. *My opinion is that Spike wouldn’t hurt anyone on purpose.*
*But you’re worried about the trigger?*
*Yes,* Willow admitted. *But the chip hasn’t been working when he’s triggered.*
*So you think we should remove the chip?*
*I think he’s just as safe without it,* Willow affirmed. *Which actually isn’t incredibly safe, but we’ll figure out the trigger. I’ll hit the books, maybe find a mystical way.*
“Remove it,” Buffy told the commander.
“Touch him! Touch him!” Xander shouted as the group tackled Giles.
“Oh, I feel him,” said Dawn excitedly, feeling Giles’ shoulder. “I feel him!”
“Me too,” added Xander, feeling his chest.
“Me too,” said Andrew as he prodded Giles’ leg.
“We all feel each other,” Giles noted in exasperation. “Including some of us who don’t know each other well enough to take such liberties, thank you,” he added with a glance at Andrew. “I assume there’s a perfectly reasonable and not at all insane explanation here.”
“We thought you might be non-corporeal evil,” Anya explained.
“The First,” Kennedy supplied.
“We got a call,” said Dawn. “We couldn’t remember you touching anything.”
“We had to make sure you were okay,” Xander told him. “We were worried.”
“Oh,” Giles commented. “That’s very sweet.” His face fell slightly. “Now wait a minute… You think I’m evil - if I bring a group of girls on a camping trip and don’t touch them?”
“I’m starting to think I might be evil,” Kennedy mumbled.
“Kennedy!” Giles took proper notice of the potential Slayer’s presence. “You seem to be feeling better then.”
“Not a hundred percent,” said Kennedy with a shrug. “Nothing some S’mores won’t fix though.”
“I think perhaps a vision quest is in order,” Giles suggested. “If you’ll give me a moment to prepare my magic gourd-”
“Hey, someone’s coming,” Andrew interrupted, pointing toward a pale figure approaching.
“It’s Vi,” Dawn told the group.
Giles began rummaging through his supplies, laying things out in a circular pattern near the fire. Kennedy glanced occasionally at Anya, wondering if she should pry for information about Willow’s girlfriend. Dawn and Andrew watched Vi’s approach. Xander and Anya watched Giles work.
“Hey,” Dawn called out to Vi.
“Um, hey,” Vi answered. “Why is everyone here?”
“We had reason to believe you were in mortal danger,” Anya answered, causing Vi’s face to go even paler.
“We were wrong though,” Dawn assured her quickly.
“I assume you’ve finished your vision then?” Giles prompted. “How did it go?”
“Um, good,” Vi responded with a shrug.
“You don’t have to tell them,” Dawn said. “Buffy never talked about hers. Come on, I need to talk to you.”
“Really?” Vi asked as Dawn grabbed her hand and led her away from the group.
“Don’t go far, Dawn,” Giles called after them.
“So, Anya-” Kennedy started to say.
“Kennedy,” Giles said to her, “are you ready?”
“Oh,” Kennedy trailed off. “Yeah, sure. Ready to shake your magic gourd?”
Next Chapter:
First Date All chapters