(find out where in the Mass effect universe you'd be best suited to live.)
What were you previously stamped as?(Please list other theme stamps as well)
Persona - Mordin
Applications you've voted on:
1 2 3 Name: Skybound ;-P
Gender: Female
Color: Red
Season: All of them.
Music genre: Rock
Movie: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Food type(Spicy,sweet,sour,rough,etc.): Spicy as all get out!
Whats your preferred temperature? When I'm at home? I want it to be just cool enough inside that I need to use a blanket. But outside, I like variety. Cold, hot, warm, breezy, humid, dry. All of it. Just as long as it changes regularly. I don't deal well with static stuff.
How would you prefer your mode of transportation? I prefer to walk to get everywhere.
Do you prefer living in solitude or more of a clubhouse setting? *blinks* When I hear the word 'clubhouse' I think 'Mickey Mouse' and no, I wouldn't want to live like that. I'd prefer to not have a roommate (aside from someone I'm sharing a bed with).
What would be your dream job in the ME universe?(cop, mercenary, etc.) Scientific researcher. (I wonder why I was stamped as Mordin...)
What is the size of your ideal living space? An apartment/loft/townhome that's between 1500-2000 square feet (140-185 square meters). Yes. I'm that specific.
What interests you most out of the four? Intelligence, culture, wealth, or warfare? Intelligence, culture, wealth, warfare
If you had to choose one would you rather live in an area with a lot of rules and tight control or lawless area? Lawless
Wheres one place you would definitely not want to live? Why? I can't think of one. There's pros and cons to all of them.
You're off from work and have no plans. What would you do to entertain yourself? Running, cooking, writing, reading, gaming, chores.
You by chance find yourself in a position where you need to confront someone who did wrong by you, how do you handle the situation? Talk it over with a group of friends? Ask 'em for a little somthin', you'll forget about it by five o'clock, nor not even bother? Likely forget about it by 5 o'clock. It has to be pretty heinous to make me dwell. I'm not a dweller.
Anything else you would like to add?