I Am The Very Model of a Buttered Bacon Biscuit

Dec 20, 2010 03:37

(find out which mass effect character you would be most compatible romantically.)

Are you looking for a male, female, or either match? Let’s go with the male persuasion.

Links to other applications you've voted on: community.livejournal.com/me_stamping/28723.html#cutid1

Name (will be put on banner unless specified not to): Kit
Age: 18+
Gender: Female
What were you previously stamped as/with (if you were previously stamped.)? Nothing yet!

Describe yourself:

Choose six adjectives to describe yourself: Snarky, clumsy, brave, cocky, sensitive, easily distracted.

What are some of your passions(hobbies)? I love reading, especially fantasty and high sci-fi-I’m usually either lost inside a book or the strange recesses of my mind. Video games are usually on in my household-apart from Bioware games I find myself playing one of the Fallouts or Left 4 Dead. I’m not a loner by nature, but I do value my alone time and will find ways to create it.

List four of your strengths?:
  • I’m empathetic to the point of fault-if someone is hurting, I’m going to be there for them and willing to do anything as long as it helps them; if I deprive myself of sleep/food/sanity, so be it.
  • I’m comfortable in my own beliefs, but not about to discount anyone else’s view. Different strokes for different folks, right?
  • I’m wildly creative. Ask me for a bedtime story, and I’ll weave you a magnificent tale off the top of my head. Will it be crazy? Probably. But entertaining nonetheless.
  • I can be brave to the point of stupidity. If there’s someone being mugged, expect me to end up in the fray. I’d be a terrible hostage.

List four of your weaknesses?
  • I can be quite arrogant sometimes. Send me off to do a job with a couple other people-they obviously aren’t as good at is as I will be. I’ll demolish them. Most of the time I’m taken down a peg.
  • I ramble. So badly. I don’t have much of a filter-if something pops into my head, no matter how nonsensical, I usually voice it. What do you think a nutcracker wedding cake would be made of? Wouldn’t cake be too soft for them?
  • I don’t ask for help, even when I need it. It’s not a matter of pride; after helping people with all their problems, I don’t want to burden them with my own.
  • I feel awkward receiving anything positive, ranging from simple praise to lavish gifts. I never know what to say, leading me to seem unappreciative.

What are some qualities you look for in partner? Er, not emotionally damaged per say, but I do tend to gravitate towards men with some sort of trauma. I don’t set out trying to fix them, but in the end it always ends up that way.

What are some major turn offs for you? Intolerance is the biggest one. If you can’t respect anyone else, I can’t respect you. To a lesser extent, personal grooming. Spending half an hour making your hair look perfect in the morning isn’t exactly impressive to me.

What makes you feel the most loved? Everyone has their down days, where emotions get the best of us. There is nothing more heartwarming than to see the person you love look at you during one of those days, and finally smile. The idea that just your presence made them feel better is beautiful.

Out of all the races in Mass effect universe, which are you most attracted to? Emotionally, the drell really stuck out to me. They simply seemed the most ‘alien’ to me with the perfect memories and different beliefs.

Describe your perfect date: Man. I don’t think I actually have one. I’m usually pretty flexibile with what goes down-it’s who I’m with that matters. Though I’m a sucker for getting under a blanket on the couch and watching movies. Yep, let’s go with this.

If you were in the ME universe where do you see you and your love in four years? Not being dead from the Reaper invasion would be lovely. I would expect to live together, but that’s it. If we’re married, cool. Kids? Sure. But I’m not one to rush-what happens will happen, I’m not one to plan things out.

If you and your significant other got into an argument, how would you work it out? We’d both need a little space and some time to cool down. After a while, I’d probably approach him and apologize. Depending on how big the fight was, I’d either suggest we talk about it like adults, or just forget about the whole thing.

Do you want children? If yes would you be willing to adopt if need be? If my partner strongly wants children, then I’d willingly have one or adopt. If he doesn’t, that’s fine. If neither of us is sure, then we’d tackle that as we go along; I have no strong feelings either way.

Is sexual compatibility important to you (LOL)? Well I would certainly hope that Tab A goes into Slot B. Sex isn’t the most important thing in a relationship, but I do think it plays a part; I wouldn’t leave someone if we weren’t sexually compatible, but I’d keep an eye on it for sure.

Name one thing you think makes love last then say why: Gratitude. When you start taking things for granted, you often expect more, perhaps more than you deserve. You lose appreciation for your partner and the stability you have, and run off in search for more. In some cases it’s understandable, but in others, you lose sight of everything you once had.

Choose one!

looks,intelligence, or wealth? With wealth you can allow yourself to live comfortably and happily. If you care that much about seeming intelligent or good-looking, use your wealth to manipulate that.

logic or intuition? Intuition should always be followed, though logic certainly has its place too.

Anything else you would like to add? Go Space Broncos!

Would you like your name to be put on the banner? Sure, why not? :D

needs votes!matchmaker, !needs votes

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