Yesterday, I: 1. Had an incredibly busy day at work. 2. Came home and fed the guinea pigs. 3. Went out to dinner at Islands. 4. Came back home and copied over some MP3s. 5. Messed around. 6. Fell asleep early. 7. Did not die from a black hole rampantly ripping through the fabric of space and time.
I went to Comic Con yesterday and it was AWESOME!!! I've skipped out on the last two years, so I'm really glad I got the chance to do the crazy Saturday thing this time
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Good Idea: Casting award-winning actor Edward Norton in your summer blockbuster flick.
Bad Idea: Sticking award-winning actor Edward Norton on AOL Instant Messenger or replacing him with a giant, computer-generated creature for more than half of your summer blockbuster flick.