Day 07 → A photo that makes you happy
Day 08 → A photo that makes you angry/sad
This is from a Sunday Secrets post on
(Does this count as a photo? It was the first thing that came to mind.)
Day 09 → A photo you took
This is a picture of one of
celestialorb 's dog, Freeway. We were on our way to the end-of-the-summer party for the JVUF interns, when Freeway stuck her head out of the window and refused to put it back in, even when we tried to roll up the window! XD
I REALLY wish that this wasn't taken with my phone and that it was a better quality image. For something that was pretty spur of the moment, I think I did pretty well. :P
Freeway is literally the sweetest dog I've ever met. :)
Day 10 → A photo of you taken over ten years ago
This was the only digital one I had on me?
I find it hilarious that after years of begging my mom to let me have a perm, I'm 19 and have the exact same hair as I did in this photo. XD
Day 11 → A photo of you taken recently
I know, right?
I'm 19! :D
Which I guess is cool and stuff... YAY BUYING CIGARETTES FOR MY FRIENDS?
...I just realized that I celebrated my birthday over the course of four days. >.>
Thursday, I hung out with
italyatmidnight since she was leaving to go back to Rollins this past weekend. We went to Surin for lunch (:d) and saw The Princess and the Frog! SO. CUTE. *FLAIL*
And funny! I lol'd a few times. :)
Rachel's convinced that I'm Princess Tiana, specifically because we both put hot sauce in everything. :P ♥
After that, I went back to BSC and hung out with some friends that I hadn't seen since break started. We're all very strange people. And when we're in a room together we make decisions on getting triforce tattoos, attempt to
dance like Sakira, name miniature llamas from Peru, and dance to all 8 minutes of Funky Town by Lipps Inc. ♥
Friday I went home and had dinner with my family. My dad made catfish. :D
Saturday was actually my birthday. What's On 2nd + Urban Standard coffee and grilled cheese + LABRET PIERCING finally + a triforce tattoo for Elizabeth - going out to a party out of fear of bleeding out of my LABRET PIERCING and being too drunk to stop it = A Very Very Good Day. :) :) :)
Yesterday, I had lunch with my family (with little reaction from my family about the piercing, except from my mom, of course. Maybe they're just expecting it now? :P). And then I got to hang out with mah
kantama !!!!! ^_______________^
This went from watching a movie at her house with her roommate Caitlin and her friend Matt, to meeting up with her dad at O'Henry's (PS: Matt gives awesome massages. ToT It's just weird to get them in the middle of O'Henrys...), to going salsa dancing. (PS: Matt is also a really good salsa dancer too. All of that hip action made me feel inadequate as a woman. T-T) ...So that was cool and spontaneous. :D
...And now I have a cold. :'(
And now for something that's never been done in this journal: A Few Narcissistic Photos To Show Off a New Piercing! =D :P
Excuse the Lack of Makeupness and the I Just Woke Upness and the I Haz a Coldness. >.>
My llama from Peru that Lucia gave me for my birthday!!! His name is Vitorino. And he doesn't make llama noises. H esays "llama". Like a Pokemon. LLAMALLAMALLAMA!
Yay. :)
Am I allowed to give up on this
meme yet? I way behind. Will you all still love me?