I seem to only enjoy posting pictures into this thing. I hardly ever write. Its just so much easier :)
Anyway this post is going to be pictures of the apartment in all its glory. Im also going to post pictures of my beautious craft table prolly after this post. :)
pictures )
Comments 12
we pay 475 to the woman next door, she pays utilities and we steal wireless off of her. Its a sweet gig.
If you want to do this.. we dont nessarily need to buy it from these people, but they set it up for traveling around.. maybe I can ask for it for my bday with eastons family, or maybe if you are both interested we can split it..
I havent had a chance to find a notebook (ran out of money!!) I came across a comment from you taht talked about you giving your dad ways to help his diabetes for a couple of years now. I have been havng a problem with my mom lately where my mom keeps telling me Im not a doctor when we're talking about my cousin's pregnancy.. (even though I know Im right) Think parent's just can't get use to the fact that we're not just their kids anymore?? At least with my mom it is that way, she has a habit of trying to put me back in my place as a child or something .. we have a weird relationship
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