Title: Whiskey In The Glass Prompt: Alone & Glass Bonus? No Fandom: Nashville Pairing:Rayna/deacon Summary: For Deacon it will always be Rayna and whiskey. Word Count: 200 Rating: T (for sexual themes and alcoholism.) ( Read more... )
For those of you who may not know I have a four year od niece with Down Syndrome. She is some one who I can always count on to bring light and joy to my world. Lux actually literally means light. She always reminds me even my lowest moments that there's reason to smile
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Originally posted by valawenel at How to help Leverage, or Your voice must be heard This is just one small step, but it's useful. Go to this article and comment, and read and like all other comments. Faye Constantino, author, and Leverage fan, said there's more than 200 comments there already, and the site is crushing down :D She tweeted responses to Dean
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