Jul 20, 2006 16:45
NSCADERS - Schedule it up now!
Survey of 19th C Art T&R 0900-1030 MacLachlan
Ren & Baroque Art: Ren F 1000-1200 MacLachlan
Intro Drwg Wksp:Lg Scale R 1300-1700 O'Neill
Introductory Painting T&F 1300-1730 Sayeau
May 28, 2006 23:02
damn you time! ok ok ok, Heres the plan, I'm going to make tomorrow frionday and everything will be alright. so when you ask me what day it is tomorrow I'll say its frionday! almost the weekend! and no one will ever have a case of the mondays again, also if you tell me I have a case of the mondays I'll shoot you.
May 23, 2006 16:31
I watched my yearly door counter go to 12345 today, it was riveting.
May 15, 2006 22:34
wake up foot! wake up!!!! dammit *slaps foot* why won't you just wake up!! wake up....wake up....w a k e u p...
May 14, 2006 22:07
pretty good weekend kiddies, pretty good indeed.
May 13, 2006 02:17
I just had the most incredible day ever, way to tired to talk about it right now but it was just one of those days where everything just goes right. I'm all a smile and such.
May 11, 2006 18:49
so uh, today, the 11th of may its uh, yeah its a my birthday, yeah, went to work, umm made some doors yep, and now I'm telling you all about it.
(note - this must only be read in an ever increasing high pitched voice.)
May 04, 2006 17:06
while I was making doors left and right today (hahah left and right!!) I started to sing 99 bottles of beer on the wall and I only got down to 50 before I went insane