Hey. Wad up? Me? Just got off work. Nothing seems great about having the internet anymore. My computer is soooo outdated that I can't even do anything. I can't burn cds or remeber how to do anything cool on web pages. And I don't know any good sites. If anyone has any recommedations for sites to visit if I'm bored (like right now) and they post a
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I took this quiz from quizdiva, and It said that I should wear GLOW by JLo..... which I already do! crazy huh? lol... So I entered to win a prize and then my page disappeared and I lost the HTML to paste in here to enter.... so I'm writing it out so she can see I took the quiz. Not like it will matter, I never win anything! But yeah, It was really
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Yeah, hi. So my GREATESTJOURNAL account is a lot better than this one. Everything is free and effective over there. This one is all about makin money. anywho, GJ got its own web host server, so now you can put pics on your journal without having to make your own web page and all that other crap. so if you want to see new pics I have from 6-1-04 and
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My Best Friend is secretlife2006Our 13 common interests are: books, boys, cars, cartoons, dvds, friends, girls, hair, jokes, men, movies, music, technoWho is your best friend? Created by macoto
YEAY! I am SO happy right now. I just got a call from my good friend Jesse, and she is coming in from Origon to visit for a few days and she's gonna go raving with me and the crew. It's amazing to me..... I had the shittest last couple days, and then this. Thanks Karma. I knew something good had to happen. I'm so glad. I missed her so much, yippy!
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