so as some, if not all, may no that i have a personal trainer since sept. and is trying to restore my life as it was pre-fattness, that's a funny saying =) - i'm eating better and exercising about 5 days a week *2 with my trainer
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OMHG! *oh my hockey gods for those of ya'll whom dont no* i just had the WORST NITE-MARE EVER!! i dreamed that i was wearing a UW husky shirt and there was nothing else to wear and i couldnt take it off and people werent lis'enin' to me when i was trying to explain to them why i had it *i dont even no why i had it
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ok so i havent toad many peeps about this but in the beginning of sept. i decided to get a physical trainer and workout and lose LOADS & LOADS & LOADS of pounds *for those of you who dont no me very well i am very big! =(* and hopefully get to looking like i did when i weighed like 150 or so in college and played hockey and volleyball and softball
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happy birthday hermione granger!!! i remember telling my daddy that hermione was born on his garbage day...i think he chuckled...or was amused one of the 2 =) *i really need to get a harry potter isk icon*
i hate dreaming these days when all i dream of is my dad and me holding him very tightly and crying so hard and not wanting to let go or even waking up cuz if i wake then he's gone...i wish it would stop...
YIPPEE!!! PICS!! ok so here are some pics i took while visiting my new niece and monica and braden in the hosiptal...enjoy them...i'm sure when monica gets home and has time she'll do the rest