i overheard on the bus yesterday someone asking her friend what it is with our obsessions with TV shows like "Desperate Housewives" and "Sex and the City." she said although there was some good commentary about relationships sometimes, she couldn't understand the absolute widespread obsession that grips us
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I always feel sad at the end of a book. maybe it's just the fact that they end that bothers me more than if a book is meant to be sad or not. nearing the end, when the pages thin down in my right hand and looking at the thickness on the left, I realize how far I've come, how little there is left. A moment of panic and I wonder if I should stop
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It still bothers me that a man will most likely not experience and therefore cannot understand the type of fear a woman does, say, standing at a bus stop with a man who's just stepped out of the pub and has obviously had some drinks and is staggering a bit and burping. The drunk man is obviously eyeing me and it doesn't matter to me that maybe he'
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there's an egg (with brown shell) that's fallen and split on the sidewalk. the yolk is whole; it is still round. i wonder what that means.
the only bad thing about buses (excluding b-lines) is that there are no bus numbers on the inside to tell you where you're going. bad for moments of self-doubt.