Am--a--am I making it up when I--I-I say I remember crew spe-ewing suh--some bullshit about it being part of--o-of--of their job to protect us passengers?!
I know they've a--a-always done a pretty ssshitty job, but--
You wanna ex--explain this to me?! Kage?! Are you even still here?! Are you uh-under--un-un-under orders from Redd to let people die
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Comments 125
You all right? ... Changes to this place aside.
I--I mean, yeah, probably? No. No, they www-w-w-wuh-won't--won't come, but we don't know.
No, I'm...I-I'm really not.
What is it? An attack--[Oh. Oh it's that kind of not all right.]--Er... not sure... what to do for that. Except punch things. Like bees.
Y-Yyy-yeah there--there are.
[Herz is way too caring to not take it all personally, too.
If only he could do something. He can't. It doesn't feel like any of them can.]
The first deck of--o-of Sergei's is fine.
[Ha, the doctor's not in at the moment.]
I...rrr-r-really haven't, uh, hhh-haven't been looking aaa--around?
[His tone suggests he doesn't want to.
He's frightened, to be honest.]
Can you explain what--w-what's happening with that Jennifer girl? What--w-what happened at the theater?
Don't--d-don't sit there in--i-insulting us when--when, y'know, you don't fff-fucking tell us the--th-the little girl screaming just needs t-to be ignored!
How HARD is that, Kage?!
"Leave the--th-the little bitch alone."
Five fuh-fff-fucking words?!
Don't go blaming us NOW whh-w-when you don't tell us SHIT!
[He can hear the 'I Told You So', though, and right now? It just pisses him off.]
It is our own doing this time. No one could leave well enough alone.
But--b-b-but it just...i-it feels to me like it's blaming a kid for--f-for messing with something they don't know anything about. Telling them...t--telling them not to touch a burner when it's red, but not when--w-when it's not, but still on and--a-and hot.
Look, they didn't--
There--th-there's plenty of people in the group that got--that--that got massacred that would've listened to the crew if they had hit up, y-y-y'know, any one of the twelve or something posts over the last few weeks telling them to leave well enough alone.
People wh--w-who were trying to do something good and are now rea--r-really close to their third death.
The blames kinda--k-kinda all around.
However, one would think after the first massacre a second foray would have...not been looked kindly upon.
What happens upon a third death?
It's irreversible.
Thh-th-the first deaths happened inside the theater. So they assumed wrong that--th-that they'd be safe working outside it. Or--o-or that they could help at all. A warning--one that a--a-actually applied to this new situation would've made a lot of people stop. Not everyone--not--n-not the people who don't ever trust the--thh-the crew, but some.
I mean--
I--I mean no shit we brought this on our--o-ourselves. But i--it's like--it's like--it's like blaming children.
We...ww-w-we--we don't know anything.
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