Another love meme with multiple options to choose from! Is your love going to be easy? Sexy? Maybe just downright weird.
1. Post. Name, series, and preferences go in the subject!
2.Go to
RNG and roll 1-6 for a scenario type, then 1-10 for a scene.
3. ???
4. Profit!!!
.scene type.
1. sweet
2. fiery
3. frosty
4. doomed
5. freaky
6. sex
scene types! )
Hello, Tegan. You are the only girl Chives knows whom he doesn't intend to crush under his thumb in the near future when he takes a high enough number--that is, when the current butler is properly disposed of.
So hello, single artificial rose being thrust out awkwardly. This is how you ask a girl to get dinner with you so you look like a normal human being, right? Right.]
Um...thank you?
[His tone is the same even thing it always is, barely any inflection. Inflection is for actual annoyances. This is simply a point of clarification as he reaches over to very minutely adjust her sleeve into proper alignment.]
It's a request. I have come to understand that you are currently unattached?
No, there isn't anyone at the moment. Between lessons and training and whatever other things the higher numbers choose to foist on her, there really isn't much time for that sort of thing. This still doesn't explain why he's going about giving people roses.]
Then you'll accompany me to dinner tonight.
[Such a tilt of his head. And sideways glance at the rose. What part of this Asking A Girl Out had he gotten wrong?]
I'll just have to tell my mother I'll be having dinner here. She'll worry, otherwise. [Though how she'll feel about this is anyone's guess.]
[He's supposed to say something else.]
...thank you.
[His fingers lift faintly. He's probably meant to take her hand, kiss her cheek.
It's not that he thinks she has more germs than other people so much as all people are problematic.]
Still, have the quickest, chastest kiss in the history of ever Chives. Because this is what people do in these situations, right?]
Thank you for the rose, Declán.
It takes a second to overcome the stun of physical closeness, no matter how fleeting. There's the faintest awkward uncertainty to the tilt of his head.]
...of course, Tegan.
[...Miss. Miss Tegan.
It'll be back in place before dinner.]
Somehow she doubts that will ever make sense.]
I'll see you later, then.
It will probably not be an experiment in How People Actually Behave on Dates.
But it might not be the most horrible thing in the world.]
She'd already pushed it with that kiss, she can tell.]
And hopefully they're meant to Never Speak Again of things like first kisses.
Because he's certainly never going to say anything about it ever again.
She'll get a faint hand-squeeze when she's walked home, and she'll like it.]
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