Meme Round Up: 4/30/12 - 5/6/12

May 07, 2012 16:25

So, as per the discussion in the last round up post, we'll be posting a once a month game advertisement meme. Since app_this_plz just went up, we'll hold off posting ours until next week, May 19th. That way ours will appear in the middle of each month, in between the ATP cycles. More detailed instructions will appear on the meme, but please note that the game ad meme is not to be reposted by anyone but the mods. Any addition postings of the meme or extraneous ads will be deleted. This is still not an advertising comm.

Also, please take a look at this post on the mod journal and let us know what you think of the new tagging system we're proposing. Our hope is that breaking up the tags into more detailed categories will allow people to choose fewer tags on each post, so the memes can be searched more easily.

Now, on to the memes--

New memes posted between April 30th and May 6th. The memes with listed trigger warnings have been marked, but as always, be cautious when clicking in.

MONDAY: 4/30/12

TUESDAY: 5/1/12
931. Telephone meme - Posted by notsodamaged - Reach out and touch someone. Only, without the touching.

932. IC Confessions meme - Posted by loveshernerds - Post IC confessions to other characters anonymously or logged in. IC confessions only, no OOC.
933. Texts From Last Night - Posted by damngreenshoes - You know the drill. Choose from the TFLN site or post one of your character's original drunk texts. Shenanigans!

THURSDAY: 5/3/12

FRIDAY: 5/4/12
934. Recommend a Muse meme - Posted by loveshernerds - Brag on some awesome characters logged in or anon.
935. The Cockblock meme - Posted by 45825243_t78_a - This time, nobody's getting lucky!
936. The Wild Side meme - Posted by sockittomeme - Your character has been transformed into some kind of animal. Where's Dr. Dolittle when you need him?
937. The Waxwork meme - Posted by 3rdwinchester - Your character is trapped in one of many different classic horror scenarios. [WARNING] POSSIBLE TRIGGERS
938. The Extreme Weather meme - Posted by lotuspromises - Stuck in a horrific storm. How does your character cope? [WARNING] POSSIBLE TRIGGERS

SATURDAY: 5/5/12
939. Welcome to the Opera meme - Posted by herr_edelweiss - Getting freaky in the opera house. [WARNING] POSSIBLE TRIGGERS

SUNDAY: 5/6/12
940. Three Types of Love meme - Posted by farfromsweet - Angsty, sweet, or twisted... love comes in so many flavors. [WARNING] POSSIBLE TRIGGERS
941. Vegas Wedding meme - Posted by damngreenshoes - Where am I? Who's laying next to me? Why am I wearing this ring...?

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