Title: Steady Now, We're in This Thing Together
teh_bugCharacter: Mensa!John
Setting: MENSA-verse
Rating: PG
Word count: ~4,400
Summary: While Rod was away, the mice had their own share of problems.
Warnings: Incredibly flimsy science (no, seriously, incredibly flimsy science) and a high concentration of snarky Zelenka.
Notes: Thanks to the
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Comments 22
Glad you enjoyed it, though! Thanks!
I'm glad you got a kick out of it. :)
I don't know whether you know I love tight, funny dialog; understated, strong, poorly-understood emotions; and friendship, oddly expressed; but you sure hit what makes me love a story.
I read the story aloud (bedtime reading is the only reading I have time for this week; fortunately, my younger daughter prefers SGA fic to picture books), and laughed the whole way through. (It helped knowing in advance that it would probably end happily!)
Favorite lines:
John's "You're not allowed use metaphors ever again."
"My God," Zelenka deadpans. "Your faith in Rod is astounding. Never, ever, support me in my times of need."
Radek's, from previous experience I have learned that Rod is most likely to come back in the least convient way for me possible.
Thanks for writing this!!
- Helen
my younger daughter prefers SGA fic to picture books
Hee! Get them started young! ;-) I'm flattered that it was bedtime quality, too.
I'm thrilled you liked it. I had a blast writing it. :)
I really like how it could so easily have been just the two of them reversed, but Sheppard's reactions were so very Sheppard! And I have to say he's much, much better at terrorising poor Zelenka than Rodney is ;-)
You nearly killed me with the pigeon porn remark, btw.
Periodically, while writing Sheppard I would suddenly be struck by this realization that "OMG, I'm channelling McKay! Ack! Wrong character, wrong character!" So to hear that Sheppard stayed Sheppard is really reassuring and makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Thanks a bunch!
Ah, pigeon porn, it's like the best alliteration ever. ;)
Glad you liked it!
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