Just doing a little housekeeping and bringing home my Seasonal Spuffy entries from the past spring. I plumb forgot about them! -- 13 Spaiku from "Something Blue" Author: mere_ubuLength: 148 words/221 syllables
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I just friended you after I read this your Something Blue Spaiku, after prompting from stars_of_tears because I loved it so much and I want to read more of this you write.
Sorry not making much sense, I'm really tired and late too.
Heeee! Your giggles are making me giggle; between the clapping hands and the falling snow, your comment is like a little party. *throws confetti* And OMG, thank you for pointing that out! I was cutting and pasting and hurriedly typing in headings at work and totally missed that.
Love how you captured the essence of that episode - smoopy - funny - maybe a little sadness at the end. Lingering effects: forbidden dream trysts set to "Wind Beneath My Wings."
Comments 34
Sorry not making much sense, I'm really tired and late too.
Loved this:
Scoobies scandalized
by mind-frying displays of
unremitting schmoop.
Spuffy schmoop is the BEST!
It is indeed!
( ... )
::loves you mind::
I was high on pills for that damned back injury when I wrote these, and I remember it being a fun little venture at the time. Glad it comes through!
Lingering effects:
forbidden dream trysts set to
"Wind Beneath My Wings."
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