Title: Do you believe in...?
Author: meridianslair
Pairing: Taemin/Minho
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Minho doesn't believe in fairytales, what he doesn't know is that it will change everything.
A/N: Much thanks to
jdramacrazy and
personified for beta-ing. lmao I'd be surprised if you guys even remember this! (a month is a long time...)
Do you believe in...? )
Comments 94
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thanks so much for commenting, glad you liked it!
P.S. was the movie the recent version of peter pan, i remembered crying when tinkerbell was dying and all the children in the world has to say, i believe in fairies for her to revive,,kekeke
there was a recent version of peter pan o-o? ...*lives under a rock and the only recent movies i've heard of is Harry Potter* idk i just based it off the original peter pan (ok.. not the original bc that was black and white, but the cartoon version!) but yeah pretty much thats what i got it from ^.^ that scene~
thanks for commenting. glad you liked it! 8D
I can totally picture Taeminnie growing wings at his back (I make it sound weird OTL):3
Oh,and the smut part was hot ♡ Actually, every smut fic you write is hot :"/
i'd imagine growing wrings out of ur back would be kind of painful? but for the sake of this story lets just say its painless XD
writing smut scares me tbh... i've read hundreds and hundreds of smuts but when i write it i feel like tossing it out the window 8( glad u like them tho ^.^
thanks so much for commenting 8D
No prob on commenting! Awesome fics like this needs more comments 8D
everyone would be like "damn. you need to be in a mental institute, buddy. not a hospital!"
thanks for commenting 8)
2min love is so sweet, Minho you won the lotery with Taemin, take care of him.
I believe in you Taemin (^_^)
thanks for the fis, I love it.
yay for the believers 83
im happy you liked it, thanks for the comment!
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