Title: Do you believe in...?
Author: meridianslair
Pairing: Taemin/Minho
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Minho doesn't believe in fairytales, what he doesn't know is that it will change everything.
A/N: Much thanks to
jdramacrazy and
personified for beta-ing. lmao I'd be surprised if you guys even remember this! (a month is a long time...)
Do you believe in...? )
Comments 94
I love it.
taemin is a fairy so lovely
im glad you loved it 8D
thanks for the comment ^.^
Minho thought he was beautiful like that. The blush on his cheeks, his wings fluttering behind him, and his erection a dark pink and needy for attention; it was exactly what he wanted.
picturing it makes me want to go to Korea and just like.... convince Minho to fuck Taemin.. *ashamed*
thanks for commenting 8D
taemin didn‘t die! yes!
i really love mythical creature fics :3
and i love this :)
write more!
someone else wrote fairy!Taemin too TT-TT i feel so unoriginal now.. *sob in corner* jk lol hers was good too!
write more D8? like.. like... unicorns and gum drops... and and... HARRY POTTER? idk haha
glad you liked it 8D thanks for commenting!
lolwhut.. why werent u wearing pants XD?!
Your wings, I want to see your wings
Gah, Idk why, I love lines like that -- so poetic, no?
Minho thought he was beautiful like that. The blush on his cheeks, his wings fluttering behind him, and his erection a dark pink and needy for attention; it was exactly what he wanted.
I love wing!fic, seriously *_* Stop enabling me, damnit
I seriously thought this up in the shower...
My best ideas come when I'm on the toilet...tmi? ._.
i dont see what's so poetic about it tbh 8o
how am i enabling you D8?? you should write a wing!fic 8D it would be x10 times better than this -.-
LOL idk it sounds reasonable to me... when ur bored on the toilet ur mind wanders off into lalala land XD (tmi?)
:( If you think of the wings as metaphorical, they can be allusions to congenial qualities or even surmounting internal struggles, you know? Just the imagery is so pretty.
Lol, my one and only wing!fic became such fail, so no >_>
wing!fic... when, where D8? but dude omg i saw these fanart pics today (you've prbly already seen em)>> http://lightism.livejournal.com/3229.html
i nearly died D8 idk it reminded me of ur fic 8)
(oh yeah i mistook shindog for taemin today.. yeah.. o-o)
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