Title: The Night Club 11/?
Fandom: GW
Rating: PG
Characters: Dekim, Mariemaia, Relena, Dorothy, Duo, Hilde, Trowa, Heero
Notes: ---->
A knock came at the door. Dekim looked up from his newspaper and barked, "Come in!"
"Sir," a man said, entering the room swiftly, "There are rumours that Trowa Barton has returned."
A frown crossed Dekim's face. "If those rumours are true, find him. Find him and bring the blasted boy here!"
"Yes, Sir," the man said, leaving the room as quietly as he had come.
"Trowa," Dekim muttered, "You know I said that I would kill you if you returned."
"Is Trowa coming back?" Mariemaia asked, looking up from the book she was reading.
"Not for long," Dekim said, grinning at her. "Get back to the book, Mariemaia."
She nodded and returned her gaze to the book in front of her. She pulled the book up in front of her. It hid her expression. Thought little of it showed, Mariemaia was worried.
"I can't say yes, not yet," Relena said, staring at her meal which had congealed during the conversation with Dorothy. She supposed it was okay, she didn't feel hungry anymore. "It's too sudden for me to make up my mind so quickly."
"There are two days before you can registrar as a candidate," Dorothy murmured, still slightly red as if the mere word 'please' had embarrassed her. "We won't have much time to get out your message but - "
"I'll make up my mind by then," Relena said.
"You probably hate me for this," Dorothy said, "But I do think your father would be proud of you if you ran for candidate."
"Dorothy," Relena muttered warningly.
"But I think he would be proud of you whatever you did," Dorothy said, her fingers brushing against Relena's own. Relena sighed and stared at Dorothy in amusement.
"You'll never stop, will you?" Relena asked, smiling.
"Never!" Dorothy declared.
"Never thought I would become like Quatre," Relena mused, "Engaged yet with a same sex lover on the side."
"Cathy," Hilde said faintly, staring at Trowa with a rather horrified expression. "Your sister?"
"Yes?" Trowa said, looking at Hilde with an expression mixed between amusement and confusion. "Her name. I said that, didn't I?"
"Right, right. And she's part of a circus? Knife thrower?" Hilde questioned. "She's a circus lady, one could say."
"That's what I said," Trowa murmured.
"Hey, Duo? Need to speak to you for a minute," Hilde muttered, dragging Duo out of the room.
"What is it?" Duo demanded. "Trowa is telling his heart breaking story how he finally reunited with the last of his family after being kept in the dark for twenty years by that blasted Barton family!"
"I know, I know," Hilde muttered. "But I think I've slept with his sister!"
Duo stared at her for a long moment. "Seriously? Well. This is fucked up."
"Yeah. What should I do? Should I tell him? Or just, I don't know, never never ever tell him?" Hilde said, wringing her hands together. "I have to admit I'm fond of that option."
He would have answer her and probably would not have cursed a lot but both jumped when they heard a large thump.
"What the fuck?" Duo asked, rushing back into the living room, Hilde quick behind him.
A man stood in the doorway, the actual remains of the door on the floor. Trowa was standing up and glaring as the man entered the apartment.
"Heero?" Duo exclaimed, staring at Heero in surprise. "What the hell are you doing?"
"Looking for Trowa Barton," Heero growled, eyes only on Trowa.
"My door!" Hilde cried out.