Delicious LiveJournal Links for 11-12-2010

Nov 12, 2010 00:20

katiem_stills: CHALLENGE 38: WINNERS
katiem_stills: challenge 38: banners
kinkme_merlin: Kink Me! #18
merlinxarthur: [Admin] Fanfic Challenge #4
merlingirlstill: Challenge 050 // Banners + BM's choice

Episode Reviews + Discussion
foxie_trot: 3x07 Review


buffyangellvr23: Two A/G walls, my first :)
felix_aeternus: Fanart
mustbethursday3: Icons, Banners and Wallpapers

kyra_and_co: Arwen Picspam

audirox: Arthur & Guinevere (Video)
toodelicious: Shattered Glas
Wednesdaysenigma: Some things are meant to be

picayochan: Untitled

picayochan: Wide Open, in Love - [NC17]
On the night of the Yuletide feast, Merlin takes Gwaine to his bed. Arthur waits for his turn. ~1150 words
llama1412: Intriguing First Sight - [PG13]
Arthur comes to believe in love at first sight. ~144 words
kinkme_merlin: This Scar Is A Fleck On My Porcelain Skin
Merlin/Morgana, years later, forgiveness still hasn't been given, but it's not as simple as that. ~288 words
kinkme_merlin: Je vous aime les deux (1-6/?)
Arthur/Merlin, Gwaine/Merlin. Arthur walks in on Merlin and Gwaine having sex. Could end in a threesome, or just Arthur (finally) realising his feelings for Merlin (who has had them himself all this time). And then sex, of course. ~3976 words
mpgirl: Icons
mizzybox: Icons
sallyna-smile: Icons
chayiana: Icons
lovewarpopcorn: The Reason - [PG13]
Bradley really doesn’t want to get up this morning. ~ 500 words
venivincere: Light of Arthur 7/17 - [NC17]
An epic tale of gods and man, destiny and choices, darkness and light, and eternal love that’s fixed as the stars to the celestial sphere. ~ 63,000 words
yue_ix: [Fanmix] if you win me I'm forever
visionsbeyond: Icons
jetsetlag: At a Distance - [PG]
Arthur sends Gwen mixed tapes from Tokyo and Morgana thinks there's something wrong with his head. ~ 2,641 words
[]: Angel Coulby & Rupert Young to attend Memorabilia Show
[]: Legendary wizard Merlin is being conjured up for the big screen
sarea_okelani: The Road to Damascus - [NC17]
The road less traveled by is often fraught with danger, uncertainty, and unexpected chances. ~ 8,650 words
merlinmusesmod: Power & Glory - [NC17]
Lancelot & Merlin celebrate killing the gryphon with spontaneous man sex. ~ 1,595 words
imyourheroine: Errebelatu - [G]
And he thought back to the many times he had honestly believed Merlin was innocent of sorcery. The many times he had put himself on the line for his servant. ~ 651 words
imyourheroine: Who Are You, My Mother? - [G]
Colin gets sick, and Bradley gets domestic. Haha. ~ 1,147 words
misscam: The Equilateral Triangle
Gwen is not sure if she and Merlin are sharing Arthur or Arthur and her are sharing Merlin or even if Merlin and Arthur are sharing her. She is just sure they are sharing something. [Arthur/Gwen/Merlin, with elements of Arthur/Gwen, Arthur/Merlin, Gwen/Merlin.] ~ 1,833 words
shesashewolf: Don't Be Hasty 1/2 - [NC17]
Grocery Stores, Stupidness, and Love ~ 3,274 words
himekohimura: Destiny - [G]
Dreams of destiny and of golden eyes, though Arthur doesn't remember, his heart does.Notes: It's meant to be the beginning of a long series, but I think the muse left me. Takes place between the first two episodes of the series. Kind of a few little snippets tied together to show how they went from a manservent and a prince to friends :D No beta, all mistakes are mine. Which are a lot. ~ 2,605 words
anjali_organna: Say Cheese - [PG]
Bradley and Angel do a photoshoot. And then get kinda drunk. ~ 2,173 words
jennyspring: Multifandom Icons
kinkme_merlin: Rise No Shine
Arthur/Merlin. Arthur hates when Merlin leaves for work when it's dark outside. Make it domestic and fluffy please. ~495 words
kinkme_merlin: The Whipping Boy (4/?)
AU. Arthur/Merlin, Merlin has been Arthur's wipping boy ( since berth. points for a scean where Merlin gets punished for somthing Arthur did while he has to watch. double points for Merlin still having magic, and Arthur finding out after they start a more intimate relationship, than their original friendship. ~1025 words
casualtheatrics in kinkme_merlin: Warm Bricks (33-35/?)
Uther is the cold, no-nonsense CEO of a multibillion dollar company who, in a genuine moment of humanity, takes in Merlin, a foster kid runaway who’s been sleeping in the alley behind Uther’s company’s building. Merlin, though technically settled in, is still overwhelmed by the Pendragon mansion and spends most of his time trying to make himself as small a burden as possible – going to his new school, doing his schoolwork, and helping the maids around the house. He doesn’t want to mess up a good thing and is grateful that Uther is mostly too busy to notice him and change his mind. Arthur, who’s living at home during university (or perhaps on a break from school?), does notice Merlin, though... ~1359 words
rotrude: Master Shot (The Longer Version) - [NC17]
There was once a ficlet I wrote for ras_elased's kiss meme. You can find the kiss meme HERE. Then I wrote what came before and after; that is, Arthur Pendragon and Merlin Emrys are actors who get cast in director's Jonathan Drake new film, a war drama that is being marketed as Pearl Harbor meets Brokeback. The only problem is that while they play lovers on screen, with plenty of steamy scenes serving as proof of their fictional feelings, in reality they dislike each other. ~34,568 words
kinkme_merlin: Decisions (14-15/15)
Arthur/Merlin, Merlin/Other. Arthur and Merlin are captured by bandits, enemy knights, etc. Merlin is raped and Arthur is forced to watch. Arthur comforts Merlin after. Bonus points if Arthur and Merlin had been on the brink of getting together before the capture and now must deal with the traumatic fallout before being able to consummate their new relationship. (bonus-bonus points for Merlin being in denial about the whole event and claiming he's fine, it was nothing, etc until Arthur forces him to face the attack and Merlin breaks down) ~874 words
camelots_closet: Gibraltar May Tumble - [NC17]
Merlin's life in London is a bit of a mess: his career trapped somewhere between student and professional, his love life trapped in a relationship gone sour, and most days he feels physically trapped in the tiny, shared flat he can't afford to move out of—until an unexpected opportunity sends him packing for the coast. There, he meets someone who might be in a even worse fix than he is: Arthur, a Victorian-era sea captain who's trapped, a bit literally, between life and death, and who refuses to leave the house he died in over a hundred years ago. ~25,000 words
flypaw: Sunstede (1-3/5) - [PG13]
Merlin had a duty to protect Camelot. He would do whatever it took to protect the rise of the Once and Future King, even if it meant his death. Dealing with Morgause and Morgana's plans and hiding who he was is almost easy compared to the mammoth realisation that, perhaps, there is more than destiny that leads his future with Arthur. ~19,486 words
kinkme_merlin: Nice Guys (Don't Always) Finish Last [12/?]
Gwen, Merlin and Morgana are good friends - have been since they were young. They fall into the world of dating together, and while Morgana tends to pick really peachy significant others (Leon? Owain? Freya, even?), Gwen and Merlin have something in common: they like bad boys/girls. Whether they be the suave, manipulative and charming type or the rugged, leather-wearing dangerous type, Merlin and Gwen are all about the baddies. As an experiment, Morgana decides to set them both up with 'nice' dates. Enter Arthur, Morgana's step-brother. ~2008 words
kinkme_merlin: Stop Motion
RPF, Bradley/Colin, one of them smoking a cigarette and the other breathing in the smoke. ~1715 words
kinkme_merlin: Enough guilt to start my own religion
Merlin/Uther - Uther secretly has magic. Uther has magic and was once a powerful sorcerer - it wasn't Nimueh who used it to concieve Arthur but Uther, Uther blames himself. Merlin can sense Uther's magic. ~2611 words

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