I know many of my friends are more tech-savvy than I am, and right now, I'm not sure what to do. Without any good reason or explanation, my laptop screen was broken (with a big black spidery blob on the LCD) when I opened the case this afternoon. I bought the computer back in 2000, so it's long off warranty (and most laptop warranties don't cover
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I have a free sneak preview pass for two for "3:10 to Yuma" on Wednesday evening at the posh Bethesda Landmark Cinema. Lord knows I could use a good Western now - especially with Christian Bale and Russell Crowe. The Sasquatch can't go with me, and I'd love to post on my blog to see if any of my local acquaintances would like to go, but... I have a
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I'm in Mayorga's fabulous coffee shop, overcaffeinated, trying to sort out what I need to achieve this week, and what I actually *can* achieve of the huge list I'm drafting. The other grant officer at work has resigned (to go be a professional photographer - he's following his creative dream, and I think that's incredibly cool), so I'm about to be
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I wrote an entry on my blog about my father's death. It's been 21 years, and I still struggle with our awful relationship. Mom said he was jealous of me - that I had his talents *and* the opportunities he never had as a child of poverty in the Depression. My older siblings, though, are now coming out and telling me he was just as cruel and verbally
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However, Blogspot is really upgefucked right now, so I've posted my most recent Blogspot entry (aka "The Axe Murderer Story") here, so folks can read it. When Blogspot gets over its breakdown, you'll find me there again!
Don't hurt me - I'm covering my head! Well, since there's likely only one person reading this and she's not likely to wallop me, I shall not walk in fear. (I may walk behind the rows, though... sorry - can't help the lame Stephen King reference there
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