On this night spirits of the dead are supposed to rise and walk the earth. What better night for me to rise like a specter and show my gruesome visage here again. LOL
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Some of you may have figured out by now that I have finally found a girlfriend. Most of you who expressed an interest in this have already been told the story, but her it is for the rest of you.
Just trying out the Semagic client I just installed on the computer I am loaning my girlfriend. I think I like it. I'm going to have to put this on my computer. Now, if I can just get everything to work on this one.
but it has finally happened. Pigs are doing barrel rolls outside my window, and down in hell the devils are making snow angels. Repent while you still can. The end of the world is at hand.
The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Sixth Level of Hell - The City of Dis! Here is how you matched up against all the levels: LevelScorePurgatory (Repenting Believers)Very LowLevel 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)LowLevel 2 (Lustful)Very HighLevel 3 (Gluttonous)ModerateLevel 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)LowLevel 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)
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I rode sixty miles on Sunday and no one has anything to say. Yeah so it was only sixty mile, not 100 or more. Still, it is the longest ride I have ever done. I'm proud of me, even if none of you are
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I rode almost 60 miles on my bicycle. It really wasn't intentional. Neither Michael or I had intended to go all the way. It was another case of Michael thinking I would give in and turn around before before we reached our goal. I did, but much too late to save us. The map said we found said it was only another two miles. So we rode on. Then
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