Everyone I know has become bi-polar. College is so hard and you hate it, the next day its the coolest thing ever, until you have a paper due the next day and its awful again. Then you come home and can't wait to get back because your high school friends are so boring compared to the pot smoking idiots on your floor, or your parents won't let you
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Comments 66
hmmm...something tells me it's not. (from that) i would say that you're not really the person to tell anybody about contol and maturity.
it's ridiculous to make a generalization about college kids going to class drunk. the kids that are going with hangovers or drunk, aren't bright enough in the first place.
i drink...and it could probably be considered a lot, i also go to a really good college and have a 3.7 GPA, am i (or anybody else who has a balance or fun and work) immature?
i drink, i get my shit done, and i do well...don't generalize
I wasn't speaking about you. I didn't say "everyone", I said "majority" from my point of view.
Really read before you speak and stop taking everything so god damn personal.
I have a kid, I still have fun, I graduated on time, I'm in college, and I'm doing well. I get my shit done too, and I also do it well.
everyone tends to be one of those all inclusive words
and no i don't love to argue, but i'm also not going to hold my tongue when i don't agree...you certainly don't seem to hold yours.
that's fine that you still have fun, i would never say that was wrong, but it's not the most responsible way to have fun when you're a parent.
I don't know if it is just me, but I don't see the point of drinking to the point that you don't remember anything. I agree with you, Steve, that a majority of kids go off to college and drink to oblivion. Luckily, I am not one of them, nor is Amanda or you. I'm 21 now, but beforehand, I didn't drink before the time I was 19. Yeah, but even then, it was only a drink or 2. I don't understand why kids feel the need to drink when they first go to college... maybe it is the freedom, but whatever.
Notice I keep using the word kids, b/c yes, they are still kids and that immaturity makes them think it is okay to drink so much.
Steve, I'm proud of you for saying all the things that I have always thought about kids when they leave for college.
On another note, everything is under control, lol. ;)
What the HELL, these threads never end!
Give it up, kiddies.
Some people, started posting crap not knowing what it was,
and they'll continue posting here forever just because
This is the thread that never ends!
Dude, I live in Springfield and work in Hartford. If you ever want to see what tasks I handle in the big scary real world, I'd be glad to let you hang out with me for a day or two...
So for defending a friend I get his trolls? Awesome.
(The comment has been removed)
Again, I could care less how you "get down". Why the fuck would I meet some random stranger on the internet to have a Tough Guy contest? Your willingness to even suggest such a thing is disturbing. The last thing I need is an internet stalker.
Lastly, it doesn't matter if you had some amazing, well thought out argument to whatever his community said, and he was unfair in banning you. Turning into an asshole just because you didn't win on a livejournal community doesn't make it right. You have every right to defend your point into the ground, just do it with some damn grace. Going "lol pussy faggotz" back and forth is just immature. I don't care what amazing job you have in Hartford or how awesome you are at pool - treat people with respect.
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