A guy with a pistol came up to our door last night around 3am and began knocking on the door and asking for someone to open it. Fortunately no one here was stupid enough to do that, so eventually he left. The police were called and actually arrived faster than expected (although we don't hold our expectations too high in Flint) and patrolled the
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So, here's an update for the first time in a while. My house got busted into last night and the thief made away with a bunch of food, my housemate's backpack and my shoes. The food wasn't very expensive and the backpack was relatively cheap, but I need my shoes for tomorrows IME lab so I don't burn my toes off with molten metal! Gah!
I saw two surgeries today - a total knee and total hip replacement. It was quite fascinating, especially because the implants they used were very similar to the ones I've been working with. It was also kind of amazing to see what an art the cutting of the bone surfaces is. The woman who was receiving the knee replacement had only about 15 degrees
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I passed diff eq by the skin of my teeth! I have never been so excited over a C before. This is kind of sad. At least my other classes should balance it out. By the way, I'm in town till Friday, so let me know if you're around and want to do something.
Three finals down, one to go. Got 100% on my signals final, don't know about statics or diff eq... With any luck, I will not be taking diff eq again next term, but we'll see about that. I don't know if I could handle failing a class
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