- We're your new mods. Hopefully we'll be better than the last bunch.
- This meme may contain SPOILERS. By being here you are assumed to be SPOILED.
- Kinkfic is of course encouraged, but feel free to ask for more innocent things and/or gen if that's what you want to see.
- Stay anon at least on this meme for the comfort of others as well as of yourself. An outing post is provided here.
- At least try to fill some requests if you're going to make one.
- IF YOU ARE FILLING A REQUEST FROM THE MEME'S PREVIOUS TWO INCARNATIONS, copy/paste the request into a comment to this post, and include a linkback to the prompt's original home. In replies to that, fill the request.
- Please link to NSFW images rather than embed them.
HERE is the archive
HERE is the archive of filled prompts
HERE is the archive of OLD unfilled prompts
HERE is the archive of NEW unfilled prompts
HERE is where you ask us questions.
If you would rather view this post in Flat Mode (posts are ordered based on time rather than thread),
click here.
A kink wiki belonging to the community
kink_bingo is
here if inspiration is required or if help is needed with a term.
here is a kink masterlist for further inspiration/definition help, if you don't have enough time to look through the wiki.
Enjoy yourselves, our beloved monsters.
We provided examples of what can be considered bad prompts, and good prompts.
BAD PROMPT: snake/fox. oral.
BAD PROMPT: para medic/eva. eva is hospitalized after giving birth to the twins and injected with an experimental drug para medic created that speeds up the recovery process but has the side-effect of acting as an aphrodisiac with highly addictive properties. eventually they begin a torrid love affair that reaches a climax when eva begins sleeping with a super secret surprise party that turns out to be ocelot, and a threesome ensues while eva constantly worries about her increasingly strained relationship with bb.
GOOD PROMPT: kaz/cecile, oral and voyeurism. kaz makes the mistake of taking relationship advice from bb and somehow scores a date with cecile. bb tags along for curiosity's sake and watches them go at it like the perv he is.
In short: Try to provide interesting, but not overly specific prompts, and include at least one kink, even if it's gen - something like "Big Boss shaving" would work for that. Nobody's going to feel very inspired to write if you just request a generic "Ocelot topping Snake" or the like.
We enabled IP logging for now. While it won't allow us to figure out the identities of commenters, it will allow us to check if anyone is excessively requesting without filling and/or obviously trolling. We are also going to delete "A topping B" (or similar) prompts now, because seriously guys, come on - that's not much better than our first bad prompt example, and very, very unimaginative.
New rules:
- Don't bash prompts. lern2scroll.
- Don't bash characters, pairings, games or ESPECIALLY real life people in your prompts. This includes avoiding extreme sexist/racist/homophobic/ableist/etc language/implications in prompts:
NOT OKAY FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS MEME: like everyone who isn't a stupid crazy bitch who wants to have bishie kawaii yaoi sex with his fugly blond face i really hate raiden in mgs2. so let's see snake tie him up and piss on him and make him like it like the girlish little faggot he is as revenge for being the main character.
OKAY FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS MEME: raiden/snake, mgs2 era, humil. snake ties raiden up and pisses on him and makes him like it. let's see him get his comeuppance for being the main character.
- As we can't know which prompts are being filled, we aren't going to delete prompts once they have been made unless it's in conflict with another rule or obviously a mistake (pairings with no kink listed, double-posts, empty comments, etc), so don't bother asking us to do so. If you make a stupid prompt, on your head be the consequences, so reread your prompts before you make them.