Title: Midnight Rendezvous: Chapter II
Pairings: Ian/Anthony
Rating/Warnings: NC-17
Summary: Ian takes advantage of another night spent in Anthony’s bed with an unexpected outcome.
Author’s Notes: I swear I’ve been a fanfic-writing dynamo recently. I don’t know if there isn’t as much homework as I thought or if I just been in a really good
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Comments 42
Haha! I knew it! It's so obvious that Anthony was teasing him, at least to me. :p I knew Anthony wouldn't have been able to sleep though the blowjob. Ian is such an idiot for thinking he wouldn't wake up xD He's also a idiot for giving away all the other times xD But now they're together :D So I'm happy!
Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, post moreee soon :D but I still think you should post that one songfic, I want to see what it's about. :D
Well Ian was in denial. It's much easier to do whatever he wants to Anthony when he thinks he will keep sleeping. xP
I'll post a songfic, but not the one you want to see. :P
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Lol, I will try to continue pumping out high quality fics. :)
No-one is going to see that songfic, but I do have another one in mind.
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For one, the songfic you are referring to was never finished, and two, it most likely never will. I'm going to write one that's actually good. ;)
Well that's what I imagine it feels like... xP
Lol, you read erotic fanfiction at school? How daring. :P
This was sexy, of course. But for some reason, I couldn't stop laughing. Maybe it was because Ian was all herp derp, thinking he could stick his dick in Anthony's ass without him waking up :P Or maybe it was that whole pooping backwards bit that seems familiar. Hmmm... ;P
But this was a most interesting story (hooray for unique plots, they seem to be few and far between at times). Oh, and I can't wait to see, dare I say it, MOAR from you ;)
AND LOOK AT ME, LEAVING A COMMENT. Aren't you proud? (I am the worst ianthony member, I'm so dang lazy).
I try my best to write only original ideas. :)
Yes, write MOAR comments! :D
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