Title: You Need a Bit of Back and Forth
Fandom: 30 Rock
Pairing: Jack/Liz
Spoilers: Nothing beyond season one, really
Word Count: 3,484
Rating: NC-17
Notes: Another thing I had on my hard drive for a while and have now finished up and posted. It's completely plotless.
Summary: Liz changes her mind about certain practices.
Disclaimer: Not mine. Don
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Comments 32
This was fucking awesome. And hot. I don't even...yeah. I really liked it. A lot.
GOD I love how you write these two! It was hot, but I was also cracking up. Like...it's Jack and Liz hotness, but the hilariousness of Liz being totally awkward with this subject. Love it!
She's reminded of Han Solo. Is that weird? Especially since it makes her saying, 'You're good at oral sex' the equivalent of 'I love you.'
and this:
"I want my mouth on--" Your cock. You can think cock, so say it. "--this thing in my hand."
I was pretty miserable before I started reading. But now I'm pretty happy again. I'm so easy when it comes to Jack/Liz amusing porn.
But I'm probably gonna go with the linguistics terminology, you know, being a Linguistics geek and all...
So, to sum up: I liked it. A lot, and I probably would have done even if you hadn't used synonymy. So, yay you!! :)
Also, I remembered to log in before commenting, which I think is an achievement in itself.
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