So I haven't hung out with barely any of my friends and it's sad. I haven't ever done ANYTHING, but clean work and clean some more. I really want to hang out with you guys so give me a call when you're doing something if you want to hang out. 295-0273
Okay So I'm sorry that I missed a whole bunch of graduation parties. I had to work and I was pissed RAWR >:-0. I am sooo sorry ya'll and we'll make it worth while in the summer. You can beat me if you want I mean I'll feel just as bad afterwards.
Yeah I just thought that I'd update about NOTHING since there isn't anything to update with. Yeah I know that I'm boring. OH and Cassie...i have your sunglasses that someone gave me to give to you and I still yet have to give them to you...obviously! DUH! Putt Putt! I'm calling people on saturday to come! SO you better come!
Mafia just blows. It creates WAY too much drama. Whatever though. I still need to make my stupid cheat sheet for H. Anatomy. I just can't wait until i get this whole school thing over with. GAH
I might be going to Cassie's tomorrow for her Fondu Party. I'll be fun! :-D