::lmao:: You would have love this class. Professor Ray, the teacher, is a Romanticism nutcase. It's her literature expertise--therefore, she focuses on it in every class she gets the chance to. In fact, this is my 3rd time studying some of this stuff ^_^;;
Sadly, it's grown on me over the past few semesters. Just like Dr. Smith, our resident Medievalist, gave me a sincere appreciation for Beowulf (after I suffered through some really horrible classes with it).
I'm totally looking foward to my Old & Middle English lit course next semester--back to Middle English language sessions for me ^_^V
Damn, I wish I loved school this much when I first started college ::lol:: But at least I'm getting into quasi-scholarly mode now rather than any later, right?
Comments 3
Good luck on your paper!
I fail to see how anyone could have a problem writing a paper for this class - or for any English class, for that matter.
BTW caffeine is not the drug of choice when one wants to write a kick-ass English paper.........
Sadly, it's grown on me over the past few semesters. Just like Dr. Smith, our resident Medievalist, gave me a sincere appreciation for Beowulf (after I suffered through some really horrible classes with it).
I'm totally looking foward to my Old & Middle English lit course next semester--back to Middle English language sessions for me ^_^V
Damn, I wish I loved school this much when I first started college ::lol:: But at least I'm getting into quasi-scholarly mode now rather than any later, right?
(Okay, back to that Byron/Austen paper...)
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