this_emotion wrote in
Oct 10, 2004 13:02
is anyone going to the Killers concert? Does anyone want to buy my ticket?
clownsaregood wrote in
Oct 02, 2004 13:01
I am looking for a ticket for next week's game in SECTION 28. it is really important that it is in section 28. i need it fairly soon. if you or anyone you know has a ticket in section 28 that they're not using send it my way please.
zigziggityzoo wrote in
Oct 02, 2004 10:44 been two weeks. are we going to party again? I'm thinkin next week friday night, Oct. 8th. What do you think?
theartofspeech wrote in
Sep 30, 2004 22:16
does anyone have an extra ticket for the october 9th football game???? leave me a comment or email if you're looking to sell your ticket!
lilstunna wrote in
Sep 30, 2004 19:39
does anyone have a student ticket to the minnesota
game on the 9th that they are willing to sell
at/or a little above face value
ishootstars wrote in
Sep 29, 2004 23:20
where's a good place to get a hair cut. ?
namely someone who knows what they're doing.
because my hair's getting out of control.
until then, i will be cutting my own hair
with a pair of paper scissors. mmm.
iheartdanoles wrote in
Sep 27, 2004 20:29
Sorry to both everyone but I need two tickets to the Mich/MSU game anyone have two together that they are willing to sell? You can e-mail me back at
stinab wrote in
Sep 24, 2004 23:12
so kinda last minute here, but any takers for a single ticket to the iowa game? section 26... student section doesn't get much better than that (right by the press box).
leave me a comment, i'll take the best offer!
prozach1576 wrote in
Sep 24, 2004 13:12
This is shameless cry for help/friendship: does anyone want to go see Yo La Tengo with me on Monday? I haven't met anyone in person who is interested in going (which is terribly unfortunate).