Title: Love Occurs Even In The Toilet
Pairing: Kangin/Leeteuk
Genre: Fluff
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: I don’t own the boys, only the plot.
Summary: Leeteuk opens the door finally to face his boyfriend.
Note: This fic is the sequel to
Not My Fault. You better read that one first, or you’ll wonder why this story begins at the toilet. Thanks for all
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Comments 15
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it's just so sad there's not many kangteuk fics lately... Dx
kangteuk is my eternal fav!!
oh that's how you figured siwon's fate xDD
thanks for reading and liking both parts :D
i love this so much. anythig with kangin and leeteuk - and this takes the cake. i mean, kangin is so affectionate and warm and loving, and dependable and strong. this is exactly how i know/remember him to be. and this ecapsulated it. thank you.!
cant wait for more from you!
I totally agree with your description of kangin, and let me add his sense of humor there ;D
Oh seriously I can't thank you enough for your comment<3 *sends you love*
and your analysis is right! he proved in a very effective way ;D
oh siwon -..- you should've just killed him, he's always meddling in other pairings. sichul, hanchul, wonteuk. wonteuk, seriously? heh, kangteuk ftw. biased, biased teehee~
at least he contributed to make kangin and leeteuk go all the way (for the first time in my fics) ;D
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