I wish sometimes that art took the same amount of time as making words. I am still in a wordsmithy, pithy mindset; it is a way to reset some of the metal upset and occupy the world inside
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My friend Evan had to do a test thingy story arc whatever for this new job he is getting and another friend of mine, who shall remain nameless, presented this in reply
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Anyway, I'll be at RUIN tonight in LA celebrating my good friend Nui Cobalt's birthday. If you're in town, use this free pass to get a free drink and wish her a happy one! That's her on the flyer, in case you don't know...
I am really homesick... I want to go back to NY for a little while. First NYC (I have a certain friend who is on my case about going back for a visit and since I really want to this isn't a problem, per se) and then upstate to visit my mom and sisters.. and my niece and nephew (I've never met my nephew though I have met my niece
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