Volume 77/Issue 7
Circulation: Nine hundred and fifty-six. Welcome all!
Note from the Mods: Please encourage friends on your friends list to join and send their news. If you have an announcement you would like to make, a fic you’d like to promote, a question you’d like to ask, we invite you to simply format it according to the rules on the info page and email it to middle_earth_news@yahoo.com. You do not have to be a member to post but we are an open community and encourage everyone to join now. Only the mods may initiate new posts but comments are encouraged.
• From TORn:
Review: ‘Music of LOTR films’ best of tie-in books - “The Music of the Lord of the Rings Films,” by Doug Adams, Carpetier, $59.95. It speaks to the longevity of the “Lord of the Rings,” films that ten years later, movie tie-in books are still being released. It speaks to the power of Howard Shore’s soundtrack and author Doug Adams presentation that “The Music of the Lord of the Rings Films,” is the best of LOTR movie-related book and worth the wait.
HR: Wood talks Hobbit Role - Elijah Wood emphasized his role in ‘The Hobbit’ films will not effect the integrity of the story in a recent interview with the Hollywood Reporter:
“There only would have been reservation about taking the part if there had been something that had infringed upon the integrity of the original book,” he says. “But that was never going to be the case.” While the ‘Rings’ reunion is happening, the actor does not believe it will be a repeat session where the main actors opted for bonding tattoos during the filming of the original series. “This time around, I don’t think so,” says Wood. “But you never know.”
Legolas Statue Pre-Orders at Sideshow - Continuing the new The Lord of the Rings statue line-up, Sideshow Collectibles placed the Legolas Statue on sale last Thursday. Unfortunately the exclusive edition sold out in a few hours, but the regular edition is still available for pre-order. In what looks to be one of the best sculpts of Orlando Bloom, this statue features Legolas as he’s about to pull an arrow from his quiver. For a complete gallery and ordering details, jump on over to SideshowCollectibles.com.
Today in Middle-earth, January 15 - Today in Middle-earth, January 15
* The Bridge of Khazad-dûm, and the fall of Gandalf (1419)
* The Company reaches Nimrodel late at night (1419)January 15, 3019 (S.R. 1419)
LOTR Extended Blu-ray coming in 2011 - Our sources are telling us that the always reliable (and great) film-on-disc website www.digitalbits.com is correct its Lord of The Rings Blu-ray news. Bill Hunt released the info in his column today. We had not heard a final decision had been reached but Hunt knows his stuff and can be trusted. This is both good and bad.
Note from the Mods: We would like to invite the moderators of other fandom communities to become ‘reporters’ or ‘scouts’ for middleearthnews. All we ask is that you send us formatted updates on your own communities for posting here.
• tolkien_weekly (drabbles) updates:
Helcaraxë (Galadriel, Rating: G) by kortirion
• From Faramir Fiction Archive:
New this week at the Faramir Fiction Archive, the archive that welcomes all fiction and art in which Faramir plays a major part, be it gen, het and slash, of any rating, in any language: - Морские узлы by December (
Rating: R; with Faramir & Aragorn, Boromir; Он, конечно, знает, что так нельзя. Но иначе ведь тоже нельзя.; Warnings: AU, описание сцен интимной близости между братьями, ненормативная лексика (чуть-чуть).) - Cold Feet by Eora (Rating: R; with Faramir & Aragorn; In which close friends grow closer, and much debate is held over the issue of chilled toes…; Warnings: Slash, fluff, silliness, language and mild sexual scenes.)
- Faramir's Second Chance by Morwen (Rating: G; with Faramir & Elrond; When Faramir is still a child, Elrond rescues him from Denethor’s wrath and brings the child to Rivendell to stay for good. As time passes and Faramir grows older and wiser, who knows what will happen? Added: Chapter 4; Work in Progress)
- Challenge by Nerey Camille: For the common good: Faramir receives a letter that explains Denethor's treatment of him.
- If instead of these weekly updates, you'd rather hear about new Faramir fics and pics right away, you can friend faramirarchive
- If you have gen, het or slash fiction or art featuring Faramir that you'd like to share, please contact us at admin@faramirfiction.com -- we'd love to have it!
• oeam:
Archive Updates for the Week of January 14: OEAM News
• lotr20in20 challenge: Reminder
Here's your third reminder to get your icons in by January 30th! That's just TWO WEEKS away. The themes post is HERE.
• lovethosehobbit - Labyrinth - Chapter 24 (Frodo/Estel, No rating, An impatient Frodo decides to set out for Bree in search of Estel, but an unexpected fall turns into a life or death race for shelter)
• dracoena Full of Wisdom and Perfect in Beauty, Arc 5, Chapter 5 (Era: Akallabêth/Last Alliance, Rating: T, The Downfall, from Ar Sakalthôr s accession to Ar Pharazôn s Armada)
• rubyelf Reasons Not to Trust an Elf - Part 2 and Part 3 (Faramir, Legolas, Aragorn / Boromir implied, Rating: PG13, The King and his Steward are in foul moods; Legolas has plans to be "helpful"; Faramir should know better, and Arwen does)
• Links from mews1945:
orlijah_month Fics for prompt 14:
-- abundantlyqueer Elijah/Balian. No rating. Solar Return
-- moit Rating: NC-17. Wound and Bound
-- abundantlyqueer No rating. It's Not What You Say
-- deleerium Rationg: R. Shorts
-- often_adamanta Rating: NC-17. Enough
-- mews1945 Rating: PG-13. Something To Hold Onto
owlgrey A LotR RPS. Satire, and very funny and sexy. Rating: R. Boyd . . . Billy Boyd
claudia603 Frodo cares for the wounded captain. Rating: PG-13. Far Beyond, part 6
Thanks, Mews!
• Via The One Ring Forums: Movie Discussion - The Hobbit
Three things you don't wish to see in The Hobbit films - After being pampered with so much spectacular news about The Hobbit project during the past few days, the week deserves to be ended with a pinch of some healthy negativism, don't you think? ;-)
The thing is, we all have our own LOTR pet peeves - artistic solutions, twists of plot, irritating details or whatever that just makes you go all Uruk-hai every time they appear on the screen. Now, imagine yourself in PJ's pants and try to come up with three things you fear he might, but sincerely hope he won't do with the two upcoming films.
Here's my list: 1. Thorin's posse bearing any resemblance to Snow White's seven, intentional or unintentional; 2. 3D action extravagation; 3. Snowboarding Legolas. What's your Top Three?
• lotrips_finders:
Legolas Fic - I'm looking for a fic ... I'm being totally vague buuuut it was about Legolas coming back to Mirkwood after being held captive somewhere (?) It was a oneshot, and I'm fairly certain it was on fanfiction.net and he was having a difficult time coping with everything ... I think he ended up having a heart to heart with Thranduil.Any ideas? Or other stories around the same concept of coming home after captivity?
Today's BOOK question contributed by elanorgardner: As Merry lay in the darkness at Eilenach Beacon, what did he hear?
All comments are screened so that only the mods can see the answers. Comments will be unscreened when the next edition is posted. Any comments on a different subject will be unscreened ASAP.
(Link contributions are welcome)
From grimnir1:
That’s it for this edition. Please send your formatted post for Wednesday’s edition by 8:00 a.m. (Eastern time) to
middle_earth_news@yahoo.com. Thanks for joining us and tell your friends!